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Breaking Into a New Area

Ok, since you have decided to insist that your lie is everyone's imagination, you leave me no choice but to show the whole email. Notice how you say "hopefully it didn't effect you too much" and I answered "no effect to us yet".

In post #53 you said that, "I told you the rate hike wasn't true" but in the email I clearly state that "there was a rate hike".

As of today, I have not lost one agent due to the price increase or your lies about me and 360....


I saw the "no effect to us yet" as in they hadn't raised the rates on y'all. And I never said you had or would lose agents due to it. But again, I came here for clarification and never mentioned you or 360. Tons of IMO's use RGI.

You said no effect to us as in you hadn't lost any agents. I read it as it hadn't happened to y'all. Sorry for that.

And I haven't told anyone lies about you or 360. If someone was told that LH direct mail went up to $100 per lead, they would come here for clarification. That is what the forum is about.


This is hilarious!!!!!

It actually hits one of my pet peeves. Responding to an email with a question that was clearly answered in the email.

Someone obviously missed the word "yet". Also, clearly saying there was a rate increase.

Trump has not caused WW3, yet. So YET means there is going to be a WW3, or does it mean it has not happened?

We haven't been effected, YET! Which I took as, it has not happened. But I see what Doug was getting at now. He was meaning it hasn't caused any agents of his to jump ship or anything yet. And I never expected Doug to lose agents because of it. He had a small group that he could give his attention to, so they would be happy enough with him to stay. But it HAS effected a ton of other agents that have already left.
I saw the "no effect to us yet" as in they hadn't raised the rates on y'all. And I never said you had or would lose agents due to it. But again, I came here for clarification and never mentioned you or 360. Tons of IMO's use RGI.

You said no effect to us as in you hadn't lost any agents. I read it as it hadn't happened to y'all. Sorry for that.

And I haven't told anyone lies about you or 360. If someone was told that LH direct mail went up to $100 per lead, they would come here for clarification. That is what the forum is about.

You could have called me if you had any doubt...

Instead you had to start a thread, knowing it could hurt my business... and help direct agents to you...

So was it worth it?:no:

But it HAS effected a ton of other agents that have already left.

Ben, do you actually believe the stuff you say? Or maybe your definition of a ton and my definition of a ton are miles apart? We lost a handful of agents to you in the last 60 days or so and we've also picked up a few agents. Some of the conflating you're doing on here is just totally out of hand.

The issue for those agents leaving was not a couple of bucks increase in lead cost. Anyone who is going to leave over couple of bucks in not worth having in the first place for that matter. This is a marathon, not a sprint and agents need a FAIR lead cost and more importantly they need consistency throughout the year. That has always been my goal as it's what people need.
I saw the "no effect to us yet" as in they hadn't raised the rates on y'all. And I never said you had or would lose agents due to it. But again, I came here for clarification and never mentioned you or 360. Tons of IMO's use RGI.

You said no effect to us as in you hadn't lost any agents. I read it as it hadn't happened to y'all. Sorry for that.

And I haven't told anyone lies about you or 360. If someone was told that LH direct mail went up to $100 per lead, they would come here for clarification. That is what the forum is about.


Trump has not caused WW3, yet. So YET means there is going to be a WW3, or does it mean it has not happened?

We haven't been effected, YET! Which I took as, it has not happened. But I see what Doug was getting at now. He was meaning it hasn't caused any agents of his to jump ship or anything yet. And I never expected Doug to lose agents because of it. He had a small group that he could give his attention to, so they would be happy enough with him to stay. But it HAS effected a ton of other agents that have already left.

Lord this is funny.


You're looking for its use of an adverb. Something that has not happened, but it is implied may. Granted, his use is somewhat vague. Does Doug mean he hasn't seen the price increase or that it hasn't affected his ability to recruit and train agents? A question to clarify would probably be the right response.

Instead you went all Bill Clinton on it.
You could have called me if you had any doubt...

Instead you had to start a thread, knowing it could hurt my business... and help direct agents to you...

So was it worth it?:no:


If I was trying to hurt your business, I have plenty of stuff that could do that. None of this was directed towards you. You told me yourself a couple months back that you only had a few agents total on DM. In no way was this a ploy to take those agents away. I didn't mention a name or IMO in my post and wouldn't have.

You were pissed off at what Mungia did to you and was leaving 360. Even sent an email saying you will have your release from Brad that day and wanted us to go ahead and send you over the DM forms and other things needed. Do agents do paper contracts or use Surancebay? You were excited because now you would have the program behind you to help you build a real agency. On and on.

Then Brad made some offer to you and you decided to stay. You told me that he guaranteed you Mungia wouldn't be allowed to try to keep stealing your agents. Then the other day you acted as if none of that ever happened and Mungia was some Saint that did none of those things. The problem for you is you told other people the same things about what Mungia did to you.

The funny part is, I still tell agents that call me from Florida to call you. You are a good dude and I have always said you were the "Good Guy" at 360. I just don't want Mungia to rub off on you, and was completely shocked when I saw you changed your whole story about him.

Keep hitting it hard and growing! I have to finish packing to come to your state! Me and Eric are going on vacation in the Florida panhandle!
Ben, do you actually believe the stuff you say? Or maybe your definition of a ton and my definition of a ton are miles apart? We lost a handful of agents to you in the last 60 days or so and we've also picked up a few agents. Some of the conflating you're doing on here is just totally out of hand.

The issue for those agents leaving was not a couple of bucks increase in lead cost. Anyone who is going to leave over couple of bucks in not worth having in the first place for that matter. This is a marathon, not a sprint and agents need a FAIR lead cost and more importantly they need consistency throughout the year. That has always been my goal as it's what people need.

I agree that a couple bucks shouldn't cause an agent to leave. I apologize for making a thread that didn't mention your name or company at all. I simply went to a forum to get a definite answer on a question I had, and I got it. And I let it die and haven't mentioned it anymore, but it keeps getting brought up from your end.


Have you all ever thought about doing group counseling?

Does thedude/imo offer that also? :)
I agree that a couple bucks shouldn't cause an agent to leave. I apologize for making a thread that didn't mention your name or company at all. I simply went to a forum to get a definite answer on a question I had, and I got it. And I let it die and haven't mentioned it anymore, but it keeps getting brought up from your end.


Does thedude/imo offer that also? :)

Yep it's part of the package! Take a hit of this and tell me how you really feel!


I really think they should sell it to a Mexican tv producer. Great telenova material. Full blown meltdowns because her boyfriend looked at another girl.


ben and doug going at it


when 360 see's ben posting


mungia reading his name being posted but he's not actually involved (this is an actual gif of matt he was a novela star prior to FE)


fex sitting back watching like