My favorite rep story is the one where we were both in front of my client discussing the life rate for their group policy. It was a family owned business, with the father as President and the two sons were VPs. We were meeting with the sons as well as the CFO, my main contact. The father was I believe in his 70's at the time, maybe 80's, and when one of the sons asked why the life rate was so high, my intrepid rep chimed in:
"The rate is higher because your father is old and he is going to die soon."
I still remember the expressions on everyone's face. If I had a mirror, mine probably looked the same. This guy wasn't even a nube, he had been in the industry for several years. Funny now.
"The rate is higher because your father is old and he is going to die soon."
I still remember the expressions on everyone's face. If I had a mirror, mine probably looked the same. This guy wasn't even a nube, he had been in the industry for several years. Funny now.