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Super Genius
“You have been banned for the following reason: Banned for 30 days after posting racist nonsense ! Your ban will be lifted on Sep 4, 2020.”

I understand how commercial enterprises operate. You want to appeal to the majority and to the majority of the minorities. It makes good business sense. I understand how censorship works in the private sector. I would have it no other way. The IF should operate any way it pleases. But, censoring the minority of the minorities is not only counterproductive, it’s un-American.

In fact, censoring anything that doesn’t incite violence is downright stupid. If you believe someone has faulty opinions, doesn’t it become more difficult to rein them in if you ban them from dialogue? Wouldn’t you prefer to understand how others really think, good or bad, or, would you rather be oblivious of opinions that you may not like? I’ve been clear that I invite correction and I am here to learn. Banning me makes that impossible, no? I haven’t been rude to anyone or stated anything I didn’t believe to be true, (unless it was in jest).

I understand things can be misconstrued in text, but it should be obvious that I’m always attempting to keep things on the lighter side, trying to use humor, trying to be gracious, and sticking my neck out to state unpopular things I think warrant consideration.

The IF will not have me spouting things I hear coming from the mouths of the wrong blacks (the minority of minorities). I will get in line with BLM and similar organizations and I will not lend credence to anything emanating from the likes of Candice Owens, Kim Klacik, Larry Elder, Ben Carson and other Uncle Toms who, apparently, have racist nonsense opinions. As a grown adult, I was kind of hoping I could choose for myself which pundits I thought make most sense. But, I can rest assured, The IF has already figured that out for me and any deviation will not be tolerated.

Thanks, censoring wussy wusses. You’re the best. I’m sure your brand of dip shittery is just the sort of thing to finally end racism, (as opposed to the open exchange of ideas). You’re race relation heros!

I haven’t posted one thing racist or any nonsense (unless it was an attempt at humor). I challenge anyone to demonstrate otherwise. Or, just ban me again. What evs.
As is often the case with interpersonal relations, I'm not 100% clear on what's going on here. For the sake of curiosity, and so I can monitor myself, what did you do / say?
I have no idea other than they deemed it "racist nonsense." I can only guess some poor oppressed individual took offense at some perceived slight and took his/her first world problem to the hall monitors and accused me of being KKK grand wizard again. Whoever decided my comments were unacceptable didn't have the wherewithal to bat them down with a logical response so, the only course of action was silence me. That's how dumbasses do.
I got banned for 30 days, as well. But then again, I did get get a little carried away.:err: :wacko:
I have no idea other than they deemed it "racist nonsense." I can only guess some poor oppressed individual took offense at some perceived slight and took his/her first world problem to the hall monitors and accused me of being KKK grand wizard again. Whoever decided my comments were unacceptable didn't have the wherewithal to bat them down with a logical response so, the only course of action was silence me. That's how dumbasses do.

Come on, you mean to tell us you have no clue whatsoever of what you said?
Just so you know, calling a black person an Uncle Tom IS racist.

Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean you get to call them subservient to another race, and a second class citizen.

I don't agree with the current themes of the "Republican" Party. I think through Trump they have lost their way...

However, insinuating someone is a race traitor or is subservient to another race just because they share a different viewpoint and are black, in itself is racism.

You wouldn't call a white populist an Uncle Tom. Bans are a time to reflect. However, if the first thing that happens after a ban is listed due to racist speech is to be racist, that's on you.
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Just so you know, calling a black person an Uncle Tom IS racist.

Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean you get to call them subservient to another race, and a second class citizen.

I don't agree with the current themes of the "Republican" Party. I think through Trump they have lost their way...

However, insinuating someone is a race traitor or is subservient to another race just because they share a different viewpoint and are black, in itself is racism.

You wouldn't call a white populist an Uncle Tom. Bans are a time to reflect. However, if the first thing that happens after a ban is listed due to racist speech is to be racist, that's on you.

What if I had an uncle named Tom?:twitchy: