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Clients Who Like To Talk....

“Man! I finally got rid of that insurance guy! I thought he’d never leave! Talked my ear off!”


Never had that happen, but I did have a guy that greeted me at the (screen) door, holding the collar of his German Shepherd. He told me to wait on the porch until he could get the dog settled down.

So I did . . .

When he called to say it was safe to come in I stepped inside. He had a dining table near the door so I sat down just a few steps from the door.

He was across the table.

Dog never moved or made a sound.

After 10 minutes or so the dog got up, came around to my side, sniffed, wagged his tail, then sat down.

This completely flustered my prospect. He told me the dog had been trained as a guard dog. He called the dog back over and he came.

Then back over to my side.

I figured I had lost the sale since he was so distracted about the dog's "disobedience". But I was wrong. He bought.

As I was leaving the dog acted like he was going to follow me, but he didn't.

they want to talk about themselves, and aren’t that interested in hearing about me.

Valuable lesson which some agents never learn.
That reminded me of a referral I called on as a young agent, out in the country near the woods, my last call of the day. We got down to business pretty fast, wrapped up with a couple of instructions and cordialities, and I got up to leave. Just as I put my hand on the doorknob, he thought of a question. My answer led him into the wildest rabbit trail I had ever experienced!

With one hand on the doorknob and the other holding my briefcase, I stood transfixed, occasionally giving a quick response so as not to appear impolite, but never able to deter him from regaling me with story after story. A full 40 minutes later I realized my feet were tingling from standing still for so long, and I had lost all feeling in the hand holding the briefcase!

I finally said, “Hey, I hate to cut you off, but it’s getting late and my wife’s gonna wonder what I’m up to!” I quickly exited only to realize that I had forgotten to leave a brochure that I felt he should have. I retrieved one and stepped up on the porch.

As I reached to knock on the door, I could hear him inside talking to someone on the phone, “Man! I finally got rid of that insurance guy! I thought he’d never leave! Talked my ear off!” I turned back toward my car. He never got his brochure.

Ahahaha that’s hilarious!

This nice but talkative elderly couple in question (well mainly the husband) talked so much I was trying to figure a way out. The wife finally got up - because she needed to let her dogs out - and was like “i hate to rush you but, I have to let my dogs out and if they jump on you just be firm and tell them to get down”

I used that as my out

But I found it ironic she thought she was rushing me (or trying to get me out) but the husband was the one constantly talking holding me hostage in conversation and I would have been left had he not been rambling nonstop
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I will take chatty over silent any day.

Got a call from a referral Tuesday evening that wanted to see me at the ass crack of dawn, 0900 Wednesday. The husband is a truck owner-operator and would be heading out in the morning. I get there and he is not there. The wife gets him on the phone and they are arguing about him getting home to get this done. I can hear him on the phone about he don't need no damn insurance does not have time for some damn insurance guy. She tells me don't worry about him, he's all bark and will do as I say. I quote him, her daughter and the grandkids. Now I have to drive out to the shop where the Mr is having his truck worked on. Maybe 15 minutes tops. I get there and he is standing at the curb. Says 'I was just calling Mrs to see where the hell you were'. Then curt nos to the health questions. That is all I got out of him. After that, it was a grunt or a sigh when I asked for his license and for the signatures. I made the wife the owner so I will just deal with her from now on. Now, the daughter was much better, maybe a little too flirty but I am good with that. :)
Now, the daughter was much better, maybe a little too flirty
I think I know her!