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Cold Calling Help

You can tell those people "you're at $580 and you can easily save 30%" and they reply with a "umm hmmm" or "that's fine, just send me some information."

Move on with those people. There are too many sales myths that with an outstanding presentation everyone is a potential client. No - with an outstanding presentation you'll land the interested people. You will never land the people with no interest.

I think if you drill down a little deeper with these folk, you'll find some sales. There's three possible reasons for this response.

1) Credibility (they don't believe you).
2) They think it's inferior coverage cuz it is cheaper.
3) Saving money is not a priority for them.

One and two you can work on - number three is a lost casue.
1 and 2 would make up the reasons people won't switch to save money. I think anyone would save money if they knew that no harm would come from them switching.

Between 1 and 2 I think overwhelmingly it's 1. I lose sales all the time recommending name brand; Aetna, Blue Cross, UHC, etc...so it's not that many of them think the coverage will be inferior - they simply do not trust the agent enough to make a move.

I have no clue how some people think;

Got a lead who was on the Carefirst HMO - paying just over $900 squawking about her rate and that they never use the coverage - asked about HSAs.

We went over the Carefirst HSA - $360. That's a $540 a month savings. Last we talked she was still "thinking it over." I really can't get into the brains of some of these people.
New agents see leads who don't have current coverage and drool - not realizing yet that people without coverage are hands down, the worst leads.

I disqualify these people as fast as possible in two questions:

1. "The insurance company certainly doesn't give it away. Your probably talking between $250 to $500 a month depending on what you choose....is that even in the budget at this point? (most will say no here)

2. "If I can put some options together in this range, how soon would you be looking to get it in force? (unless you get some urgency, no sale)

Credibility (they don't believe you).

This one can be tough. If you meet face to face that is the best way to establish it. The other thing that helps greatly is your phone presence. If you hang back and don't start talking product right away, talk in a slow and relaxed tone, and let them invite you to look at options, then that will help greatly. Don't appear over eager to quote anyone with a pulse.
Local marketing is the key to credibility. I market as close to my home as possible and it does make a difference when you're close in proximity to them.

I think the psychology behind it is "well if he rips me off I can always drive over and kick his ass."
May I make a suggestion? How about instead of telling them there are new plans that would save them 30% or more----Ask them "Would they be open to the idea of saving 30% or more on their health plan?"

Make sure to say "Open to the idea" because this is a "less salesy" phrase, the sales pressure doesn't kick in when you start talking. Don't use your sales script once or twice with this. Try it and if they say:

"Yes..what ideas do you have" then you ask them a bit about their current rates and talk to them about how your benefits will help them.
What you have to offer.

The key is to have a two-way conversation. Don't lead the conversation let them take over. If they give you excuses or reasons why they can not work with you simply say"That's not a problem...(Then Pause) next say " I am not trying to replace what you are currenty doing...I am simply trying to show you another option that may save you some money"

This will let the prospect know that your goal is not the sale; it is helping them. This builds trust with the prospect.

Then ask them if they are interested in some information. If they say no say "Thats ok...thanks for your time"

Show them you are willing to accept "No" for an answer.
Just try it once or twice and see if you don't have a good conversation with a prospect. Be yourself and don't worry about the sale...because when you do this they see it...they know you are trying to sell them something. This adds sales pressure and is a Red-Flag in cold calling.
Let me know what happens.

Take care,
May I make a suggestion? How about instead of telling them there are new plans that would save them 30% or more----Ask them "Would they be open to the idea of saving 30% or more on their health plan?"

Make sure to say "Open to the idea" because this is a "less salesy" phrase, the sales pressure doesn't kick in when you start talking. Don't use your sales script once or twice with this. Try it and if they say:

"Yes..what ideas do you have" then you ask them a bit about their current rates and talk to them about how your benefits will help them.
What you have to offer.

The key is to have a two-way conversation. Don't lead the conversation let them take over. If they give you excuses or reasons why they can not work with you simply say"That's not a problem...(Then Pause) next say " I am not trying to replace what you are currenty doing...I am simply trying to show you another option that may save you some money"

This will let the prospect know that your goal is not the sale; it is helping them. This builds trust with the prospect.

Then ask them if they are interested in some information. If they say no say "Thats ok...thanks for your time"

Show them you are willing to accept "No" for an answer.
Just try it once or twice and see if you don't have a good conversation with a prospect. Be yourself and don't worry about the sale...because when you do this they see it...they know you are trying to sell them something. This adds sales pressure and is a Red-Flag in cold calling.
Let me know what happens.

Take care,

Very nice Lisa. Are you a consultant of Ari's company.
"This will let the prospect know that your goal is not the sale; it is helping them. This builds trust with the prospect."

Let's get real here.

Your goal better be to get the sale - if not you're gonna starve. This is not "pro bono" work. If our goal is to "help" people, why don't we just renounce the compensation and work for free?

The goal should be to get the sale - in the RIGHT way.

People can see through this disingenuous subterfuge all day long...
Your goal better be to get the sale - if not you're gonna starve. This is not "pro bono" work. If our goal is to "help" people, why don't we just renounce the compensation and work for free?

The goal should be to get the sale - in the RIGHT way.

What's the right way if having an open discussion is the wrong way?

I don't see all of the remarks as being disingenuous. The only part I didn't like is the "I'm not trying to change XXXXXXX" section.

I'd leave out that part, but say the rest.