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Cold Calling Trick

I will admit Bob, I am not for FREE (but the book FREE inc was great), but that was a great intro!!
Pitch, that was a great retort!

Mark you have your new script, time to hit up the phones again and show your agents how it works;-)

I've been playing around again with cold calling. It depends on the list I'm calling. But I have learned not to tell them your name when you start talking with them.

You will get a better lead out of it when you don't offer them something for free. But I was trained to just get my feet in the door. 50% of the job is getting in front of them. I know if I can get in front of them and get to know them, that I can help them.

A lot of cold calling is trial and error. You will quickly learn what does or don't work. When you offer them a free gift, most of the time they only want the free gift when you show up. You have to learn how to take it to the next step.

I've learn what not to do when cold calling a lot faster than what to do. At the end of the day it is a lot of work, but does not cost me anything to do it.

I cold call to fill in idle time.
Instead of calling it a "Cold Call Trick" why not call it a "Cold Calling Technique". It sounds better if anyone from outside the industry reads the thread.
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I dont think it will matter if someone outside our industry reads this. Books use the term, its the nature of the beast.

I understand it is the nature of the beast but I think a lot of people have a dim view of insurance agents. They think agents and trickery go hand in hand. I just think it is wise to avoid encouraging that thinking if we can. No criticism of Mark whom I consider to be one of my best friends on this forum.
Sorry Justin. Got to agree with #2. I find it offensive, even if the phrase is commonly used.

When I was growing up the term ni**er was commonly used in the south. Sometimes pejoratively, sometimes not.

Even though blacks will use the term freely in conversation, I feel it is derogatory.

I agree with Mark on this one, don't even mention your business name at first.

I think asking them a question is paramount, but the trick is, what will pull at them?
Offering something for free is in my POV just as good as mentioning the social security death benefit of $255 act..I wouldn't even mention the word FREE its asking for trouble.
Asking a question that appeals to someone's pain or concern is by far the best imo, whether its too high of a premium they are already paying, being uninsured (not uninsurable) and leaving a burden, or having too less of insurance in the first place would be a better qualifier.
But I also agree with Mark, using the herd principle, "people in your area" is also key.
I told each small biz owner that, "I work with small business owners in this area"...

Another one that was validated by Newby's post in an FE thread for going d2d, is hitting someone's jew spot, not G spot, jew spot, "rates for life insurance have gone down recently in this area/state/lately, and I am calling to find out if you wanted to see what you qualify for" yada yada yada
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