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You can Hope for Change...but you're not getting it from O'bama.

As my dear old mom likes to say, “Wish in one hand, **** in the other, see which one fills up faster.” :twitchy:

I was in the SF Bay Area a month ago and say two different I voted for Obama bumper stickers that had a sticker over the top that said "I am Sorry"
I see a whole of change from W. We are not at war on a lie. The stock market is over 18,000. gas is around $2/gallon. Unemployment is at the lowest level in 7 years. We have national healthcare.

Of course you won't get that from Faux News.

Has Obama delivered on all we hoped for? No, but look at where he started from W.

But, I don't know how he got elected. The country was doing so well. Man don't we pine for the magnificent days of W.:yes:
I see a whole of change from W. We are not at war on a lie. The stock market is over 18,000. gas is around $2/gallon. Unemployment is at the lowest level in 7 years. We have national healthcare.

Of course you won't get that from Faux News.

Has Obama delivered on all we hoped for? No, but look at where he started from W.

But, I don't know how he got elected. The country was doing so well. Man don't we pine for the magnificent days of W.:yes:

Not yet. I think he is waiting for Iran, Russia and the whole Islamic Terrorist world to get stronger. Then it will be someone else's problem.
I see a whole of change from W. We are not at war on a lie. The stock market is over 18,000. gas is around $2/gallon. Unemployment is at the lowest level in 7 years. We have national healthcare.

Of course you won't get that from Faux News.

Has Obama delivered on all we hoped for? No, but look at where he started from W.

But, I don't know how he got elected. The country was doing so well. Man don't we pine for the magnificent days of W.:yes:

Ah, the classic liberal strawman. "Obama sucks" is not synonymous with "Bush was great." In fact, invoking such a fallacy is essentially an admission of failure. "Yeah officer, I was going 90 but that dude over there was drunk and going 95!" Two things I strongly believe - neither of the last two presidents were much to write home about, and politicians have far less impact on the economy than most folks give them credit (or blame) for.
Ah, the classic liberal strawman. "Obama sucks" is not synonymous with "Bush was great." In fact, invoking such a fallacy is essentially an admission of failure. "Yeah officer, I was going 90 but that dude over there was drunk and going 95!" Two things I strongly believe - neither of the last two presidents were much to write home about, and politicians have far less impact on the economy than most folks give them credit (or blame) for.

Right. Keep telling yourself that Faux News BS. Rush Dumbaugh also needs more ditto heads like you.
I see a whole of change from W. We are not at war on a lie. The stock market is over 18,000. gas is around $2/gallon. Unemployment is at the lowest level in 7 years. We have national healthcare.

Of course you won't get that from Faux News.

Has Obama delivered on all we hoped for? No, but look at where he started from W.

But, I don't know how he got elected. The country was doing so well. Man don't we pine for the magnificent days of W.:yes:

You've been watching too much of Richard Maddow on MSNBC.

Where do I start? Let's see, the market is up because the interest rates have been held artificially low and there is no place else to put money.

Gas is cheaper because of domestic PRIVATE production and lower demand because we have fewer people in the workforce in history. (Unemployment is "down" because people have given up looking).

And we had national healthcare before Obozocare. It is just now paid 87% by taxpayers.

Too bad there isn't a more appropriate place on the forum for liberals to spew their incorrect information.
