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Congress to Cut MedGap Commissions!

Too bad there isn't an agent union (maybe a division of the SIEU?) that could negotiate with the carriers and that would have political clout via political ca.

Oh wait a minute. I'm sorry. I forgot. Most agents are virulently anti-union and anti-collective bargaining and would not be caught dead with any union card on their body!

I know you will hate me saying this, but Karl Marx was right about labor vs those who own "the means of production." (Oh, in case you didn't notice... you are "labor." That means you get screwed.)

OK. Well, enjoy the 10% that comp will probably drop to.

I leave you with one other idea. Has it ever occurred to any of you that if you are successful selling insurance... you probably can sell ANYTHING? See if you can connect those dots and tell where I'm going with that?


I'm ready to organize. Independent agents have been the whipping boys of this admin. We don't need to call ourselves a union, maybe a consortium, and then we can fight back.

Who's with me?