Continental General


I have been approached about contracting with them for their Life products. I went to their web page for more information, but it wasn't very helpful. I searched the forum, but didn't find what I need. So, what are your thoughts on this company and their Life plans? Thanks!
Life products are mediocre. Who knows if they will stay in that business since they are selling off other lines. There are better deals out there.
Assurant, Golden Rule and Blue Cross will be around long after we're not. Any other health company is anyone's guess. I'm sure within 10 years everyone will have bought everyone else.
Yes sir, WL and 10/20 Yr Term. I appreciate the responses so far, but not enough information to help me decide either way, unfortunately.

The senior life is great! You do a phone interview with EMSI when you take the app then just fax it in. It will be issued in about 1 or 2days. But when it comes to the 25k+ then I would say they are a bit strict on underwriting for a WL. As far as the term there is only a 5yr not a 10 or 20 as far as I know. And as far as med sups I don't know what state you are in so I don't know how good they are on rates. But they do get it issued fast in about 24hrs with the fax app.
When talking about who they are and saying that they will be bought out… They are part of Ceres Group and that was bought in Nov. 2006 by Great American (GAFRI). Then right after they GAFRI got them then they sold off the health side to World b/c GAFRI wants to be focused on the senior market.
Hope this helps!
That's awesome feedback Josh, thank you. It's an incredible asset to be able to tap into the knowledge and experience found on this forum!