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Covered California Exchange Web Site Now Live

The Covered California site has a calculator. You can get to it from the home page, but following is a direct link. Health Insurance Calculator | Covered California

The results look like they are the same as the UC Berkley calculator (the link that Allen in Chicago gave us a few weeks ago) at National Health Care Calculator

I have a hard time believing the rates will be as low as they are predicting...

The "brains" at UC Berkley apparently aren't firing on all cylinders. The tiny print on the Calculator page says that the premiums aren't known yet. The premium estimates are from some 2009 CBO estimate that nobody has seen. Also, the Real-Life examples use individual and family incomes that are hilariously low...especially for California! More smoke and mirrors to please the government.

However, in just a few short months THE TRUTH WILL BE KNOWN TO ALL.
It's A Good Thing They're Using All Capital Letters On The Website, Otherwise I Wouldn't Be Able To Understand What They Are Talking About. Funny Side Note - I've Ever Sold An Insurance Policy To A Lead That Typed Their Information In All Caps... Seems They Always Want Something For Nothing. Shocker!

Edit - Interesting Forum Feature...Typing In All Caps Results In Only The First Letter Of Every Word Being Capitalized. Give It A Whirl And Be Amazed At The Results.
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Strange too that this particular domain was registered less than 5 months ago.

Can anyone confirm for sure that this is the "official" site?