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Critique my Website! Driving Leads Using the Web

Hey everyone!

The past couple of days I've been focusing on building my website to drive leads in the Ann Arbor, MI area. I'm in independent agent for a local agency with tons of markets to shop with, but I primarily sell home/auto/personal lines insurance.

I'll be optimizing this site for SEO (still researching that), but I wanted to get some initial feedback from someone and I figured this forum would be a great place to start!

The goal of this site is to
1) Establish credibility that I'm a real agency and that I won't steal/spam your information and
2) Call to action of either calling or submitting your information for me to contact you.

I'm also exploring adding a button to upload your declaration pages as well.

What do you guys think? Would YOU ever submit your info after seeing this site? Anyone else getting good leads from their website? What do YOU do that's different?

Thanks so much in advance, this forum is great.

Auto, Home, Life, and Business Insurance in Ann Arbor, Michigan


...thanks to whoever is in California and filled out the lead form lol :laugh:

Name Yora Dick
Address 2536 east ave kalamazoo 45366
Phone 284-456-4566
Email [email protected]

Quotes I'm interested in:
Type of Quote-Auto yes
Type of Quote-Homeowners yes
Type of Quote-Renters yes
Type of Quote-Business yes
Type of Quote-Life yes
Type of Quote-Health yes
Type of Quote-Other yes
Comments (optional) i need me some cheap inshorance

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Entry ID: 3


My first lead was a fail lol
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I don't know if the consumer has a clue as to what an "A-, A, A+, A++" rating means. So I'd leave that off, or at least not make it a feature on the front page.

You lead with: "You'll get more than just 'a quote.'" But then you clutter the page up IMHO.

Lead with: 3 reasons to get a Quote from us.

Then perhaps a new Tab vs scrolling down if one wants to go deeper. I think you just have too much info & depending on ones screen size, much can be lost.

Highlight your Mission. What is the message with the picture? Does it reinforce your message/mission?

Anyway, those are a few of my first takes.

I "clicked" for a free sample of an insurance proposal & it just took me to a Google search page:(

But, not bad for a version 1.0 of your own web page.
I agree with Bob Klee. Use tabs and forget the one page scroll to the bottom to read everything approach.

First thing that jumped out at me is the lavender (mauve?) background. Plain white works and makes the verbiage pop. Also the font size on the content should be larger, especially if you hope to attract mobile browsers. The colors for your headers (H1, H2, etc) almost blend in with the background.

Try looking at your site on your phone or tablet. Also try different browsers, especially Chrome and FF.

Based on your links (which take you to your corporate filing) seems like you are using Wix. I know they are popular right now but you probably want to upgrade before too long.

If you are hoping to attract leads via SEO the first thing you need to look into is how well (or not) Wix sites rank in Google, Bing, etc.

I don't know anything about them other than 30 seconds on their site but most free sites (including WP.com and Blogger) rarely make it to page 1 in search engines. If you can learn (or hire someone who knows) about Google Local you might make some headway in driving leads but you are going to need another way to generate prospects than a website.

SERP traffic is tough and ever-changing. If you want to rely on that hire someone and spend your time doing other prospecting and selling. Trying to learn how to build and manage a website with your REAL job is going to prove impossible.

So, did Mr Dick buy?
Are you saying (on your website) that you only write A+ or A++ companies?

Is that really true? It's easy to check you know. I would leave that off; not to mention you might not be serving the best interests of your clients if you never offer A or A- carriers.
Are you saying (on your website) that you only write A+ or A++ companies?

Is that really true? It's easy to check you know. I would leave that off; not to mention you might not be serving the best interests of your clients if you never offer A or A- carriers.

100% Agree. + as I said, most consumers have no idea anyway.

ie: PURE Insurance only writes HNW folks with home RCost > $750k- $1M depending on the state. They only started business back in 2008 & they are A- rated...have been since day one. So who cares? They are an excellent company. There are others just like them.

Like I said, I'd take that line off the site as again, most consumers have no idea anyway so why clutter up the site with meaningless info.