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Day 2: Indoor Flea Market

In my pre-insurance days, I worked a lot of trade shows, as a draw, and as an exhibitor. My feeling is that when you collect a list of names by offering a prize, you only have a list of attendees. It doesn't mean that any of these people are interested in what you're selling. If your prize is directed towards insurance, (free revue, etc. ((that 'etc.' means that I can't think of anything else))), you'll have a qualified lead. I think that you're better off buying a list of qualified prospects, and spend Sunday with your family.
In my pre-insurance days, I worked a lot of trade shows, as a draw, and as an exhibitor. My feeling is that when you collect a list of names by offering a prize, you only have a list of attendees. It doesn't mean that any of these people are interested in what you're selling. If your prize is directed towards insurance, (free revue, etc. ((that 'etc.' means that I can't think of anything else))), you'll have a qualified lead. I think that you're better off buying a list of qualified prospects, and spend Sunday with your family.

That and do you want to be the swap meet insurance guy?
By nature, people are pretty skeptical of these things. The $25 gas card isn't going to get people past their skepticism. That might be okay though, is the crowd really your audience?

For the most part, this type of offer is simply to collect names and some basic info for further lead nurturing. If you get a couple of sales, you'll be doing very good, but this is more brand marketing and pipeline/drip marketing fulfillment than direct sales.

In the literally 100's of tradeshows I've been to (and a few swap meets / flea markets), the ones that draw a crowd are the ones with an activity.

Hire a clown or a magician to attract a crowd, have people fill out the entries while they are watching the 'show'.

If your goal is short term immediate sales, this probably won't get you there, if your goal is a marketing list, go for the gusto!!!!

Thanks all for the great ideas. So this weekend I got 17 names on the drawing box; 5 "I need x, what will it cost me". I will keep posted. Going to draw name tomorrow an contact. Hoping it generates some good sales. Realistically, I think there are two very hot leads in the whole bunch.

Any recommendations on my callback approach.
1) Your set-up is just FINE for a flea market....

You said you collected 10 entries ...i'm not sure how long that took but it's ok cause it's still $5 bucks a name right?

I agree with @Jerard's notion that if YOU are working the booth yourself go ahead are offer FREE Q&A while your there.

I believe some of the 'skeptical' stuff you're 'feeling' is YOU and the way you're coming across (not that you're trying to be that way) but if either:
a)People are SAYING "I'm skeptical" of filling out a effing entry form (one that Americans fill out else where all day everyday...online, offline and in-line) there MUST be a problem with your approach, honestly...it shouldn't be THAT be a deal. I mean people fill that chit out with 'work' numbers and fake numbers all the time...the problem CAN'T be getting 'strokes' to fill it out. You've got to get to the point where your QUALITY is your issue not filling the effing box, really bro.

b) If you are 'presenting' it as just 'Step right up and sign up for Free Gas' that may be why you're getting the weird looks of skepticism.

*Before I forget, you asked earlier if you should have a contact me or not contact me box...the answer is HELL NO.

The reason you're out there is to build a list, Don't ASK for them to opt out right there, you're shooting yourself in the foot. (Trust me if they REALLY don't want a call back you'll get 555-1234 on the effing phone number box anyway, why ASK for more B.S. than you're going to get anyway)

You approach should be more on the lines of:
"Hey we're out here today ANSWERING F.A.Q.'s and holding a drawing.....
a) I KNOW you've got a question, you wish you could get answered real quick (while you think of one fill this out you may win)

b) I'll GIVE you my newly published 10 best ways to________ newsletter, here just your entering....
(Hint: your newsletter is two sheets of paper with some info you type up and staple together = NO MONEY but something to PUT IN THEIR HANDS WITH YOUR # on it) * Do 4 or 5 topics so you can Change your 'info' topic, at different events.

c) We do this because so many folks have questions and seem to be confused or misinformed about ______ so we like to SURVEY the public and get the right info out here for FREE......
Could 'help' us spread the word? (People LOVE to HELP)

* Give away a FREE newsletter or booklet of info (with your contact info, doesn't have to be SO obvious that it's YOUR ad piece GIVE some real info on the newsletter and list your office for follow up...but not just a BIG here MY NAME and # deal....just enough info to pique those that were "thinking about it' to call and ask questions.

But always put SOMETHING in their effing hands......

**Don't hold effing drawings at the effing flea market....you're there to 'collect' leads and pique curiosity not be Ed effing McMahon.
"The girls in the accounting office pull the names and contact the winners some time during the week...to keep things equally and on the up and up"
Saying something like that does a few things:
1) Gets mo/fo's off your back as to WHEN the names will be called
2) Helps you get more "real" numbers, as they 'feel' that the 'girls in accounting are more likely to call vs a salesperson
3) You have to do less 'drawings'
4) You have the ability to call anybody with a "non-grand prize' gift just for playing and btw 'since I have you on the phone.......
ie..."Looks like you didn't win the $100 gift card BUT = SO many options here: (1st of which is a FREE subscription to our timely newsletter, so I can drip market you and maybe sell you some chit in he future)


Instead of 'investing' any money in a 'better looking' set-up (again yours is fine)....you'd do better to get some 'help' with getting that box stuffed.
Two people talking and shoving clipboards gets the 'blood' working, again sometimes having a person out there with you that's NOT thinking so much...will help YOU focus on the GOAL at hand....building the effing list.

Many comics 'need' the 'straight man' for the act to work...maybe you're more of a natural straight man or the dead-wood (no offense)...which many agents are that's why they sometimes need a banana man or feed man for the act to work.
(Get you a Lucy for your Desi)

Last thing to remember, friend is it won't take much to collect say 20-25 names to week..that's over a 100 folks to work a month and more than 1000 to add to YOUR exclusive list...just stay in business...sell anything and in 3 years you've got over 3500 exclusive members to your marketing list err newsletter:

Become Oprah or Ann Landers to 'your members' have contest, crossword puzzles and trivia chit to keep it light and interesting enough for folks to open every other newsletter

* I will some times borrow the "big name" fairy dust that falls on me when my 'drawing' just so happens to be
Kings (Champs)
Magic Mountain
Water Park
Local BIG NAME Grocery
tickets....people 'could' assume some sort of connection between those big name, exciting organizations and you...although you never exactly said so...bottom line is you get to say
'We're giving away Disneyland tix' THAT GETS ATTENTION....Now YOU'RE ON....go get 'em

*****Many times, for me buying Disneyland tickets or Dodger tickets just 'feels' like a BIGGER deal than here is $100 dollars.
$100 is 'nice' but tickets to the local water park, ball game or movies with the kids creates MEMORIES.

Trust me this works people will buy gas to go drive 100 miles from L.A. to Palm Springs BECAUSE the room was FREE...that FREE room 'feels' better than the Visa Gift card in cash..human nature, go figure

Thanks for posting a lot of good info.
Thanks for posting a lot of good info.

My juices get going when I see a new rep willing to do some effing work to make a living.....

A guy willing to step into the box when the pitcher's throwing 'live' heat impresses me and 'reminds' me of all the chit I had to learn the hard and expensive way.......

Thx for the kind word
So I have contacted and quoted 2 products. Calling through my list tomorrow of non winners tomorrow, I've already sent a "congratulations...thank you for entering...visit us again for drawing..." email and now I will follow up with phone call. Any recommendations on script or approach on phone?