DNC List Scrub


1000 Post Club
Does anybody know where I can go to obtain a DNC list for MD and VA? It would appear that businesses have to purchase a list (lovely form of tax), but I cannot find anywhere to purchase such a list or software that scrubs things automatically. Thanks.

Go to https://telemarketing.donotcall.gov/ to register to get access to the DNC list. I think you get 5 area codes for free.

You'll need to get some software to do the scrubbing of your list against the downloaded DNC list. In my area at least, there is no practical way to do it manually, the DNC list is far to large. The software I use is no longer available, so I have no recommendations on what is good for this.

Does anybody know where I can go to obtain a DNC list for MD and VA? It would appear that businesses have to purchase a list (lovely form of tax), but I cannot find anywhere to purchase such a list or software that scrubs things automatically. Thanks.


J.R. I know you are using an ACT database. Just download the lists from up to 5-area codes for free at the donotcal.gov website.

You can add a do not call scrubber to your ACT database as an add-on. http://www.actaddons.com/products/2005/adv_dnc_lookup.asp Even if you input only people that aren't on the list today, they may join tomorrow and when you call them next year from your database, you need to know that.
