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Do I Have to Put Every Single Doctor Visit on My Application?

These were not posted when I put my response yesterday. Can't figure that one out.

These are all within the last 10 years:

Rhinitis – Allergy immunotherapy (ongoing )
Dry Eye - keratoconjunctivitis sicca (ongoing)
Sjogren’s Syndrome TEST (potential cause of dry eye) LAB RESULTS NORMAL
Prostatitis – pain from enlarged prostate – (released from care)
Metatarsarsalgia (released)
‘Bulging Discs and/or Disc Joint pain (physical therapy prescribed, no surgery)
Shoulder – partial tear of right rotator cuff (physical therapy prescribed, surgery is by choice)
Recurrent Fibroma on plantar fascia (avoid surgery)
Near Sighted & Astigmatism (Eye glass/ contact lens Rx)
Midcarpal Instability (excersize recmd')
Knee Pain (released)
Giant Papillia Congitis (released)
Hairloss (Propecia Rx)
Cyst-benign on scalp (one removed on back)
inguinal Hernia Repair Surgery (2)

Planter Fascia Fibroma Repair Surgery
Receding gums
High Cholesterol check (just modify diet, no rx)
Anxiety and depression (took 3 meds 6 years ago)
Anal Fissure (released)
Flat feet pain (orthotics made)
Ingrown toenail (released)
TMJ- Temporomandibular joint disorder (bite guard made)
Dry Lip problem
Pneumonia mild case
deviated septum diagnosed (no treatment)

Astigmatism, hair loss and receding gums don't need to be noted on the application. Same for flat feet, ingrown toenail, dry lip. Anxiety, depression needs to be noted but should not create an issue.

The other stuff is probably enough to put you over the top with any underwriter. If you are accepted, you will get a policy with a bunch of riders, rate up or both.

My advice would be to keep what you have unless that is no longer an option.
These were not posted when I put my response yesterday. Can't figure that one out.

Astigmatism, hair loss and receding gums don't need to be noted on the application. Same for flat feet, ingrown toenail, dry lip. Anxiety, depression needs to be noted but should not create an issue.

The other stuff is probably enough to put you over the top with any underwriter. If you are accepted, you will get a policy with a bunch of riders, rate up or both.

My advice would be to keep what you have unless that is no longer an option.

Unfortunately my cobra is almost up, and I'm unemployed, so individual is my only option. I'd do a temp policy, but I have ongoing preexisting conditions that I need treatment for.
Unfortunately my cobra is almost up, and I'm unemployed, so individual is my only option. I'd do a temp policy, but I have ongoing preexisting conditions that I need treatment for.

Start a LEGITIMATE business and get a payroll service (I recommend PrimePay.) Hire someone on Medicare, Medicaid, or who has other group coverage, pay them min-wage for 20 or 30 hours a week, or hire your wife or kid or someone who will keep the money in the house... and have an agent write you guarantee issue group coverage. (This all depends on the state you live in.)

The biz MUST be legitimate, you will have to sign a statement that it is your prime occupation and not a part-time thing and with some carriers you will have to go through a re-recert (re-apply) each year. You must show real (not made up) payroll records... like what you report to the state each quarter (if your state requires that) or reports from a payroll company.

You don't have to show P&L to most carriers, just payroll, which you can pay out of savings. As long as the payments are documented via either monthly draw checks to the owner and/or payroll for employees, you are fine. I suggest you see about setting up a LLC or a regular "C" corporation and make yourself an employee. Yeah, you gotta pay the FICA taxes, but that's the price you pay for guaranteed health coverage in the country. Otherwise, move to France (where the taxes are no lower, but it's a lot simpler.)

In most states is is NOT legal to start a business TO get insurance. It IS legal to start a business AND get insurance. Which one are you doing... and who can prove otherwise?

Any good agent who knows how to do small group can help you with this. Post your state and someone will PM you, I'm sure.
It would be easy for an agent to send in a cover letter with your app explaining the reason for your withdrawl was incomplete information and you wanted to get it right. Non-issue, you made the correct choice.
The problem with HIPPA is if unemployed it is tough to pay the higher premium for a scaled down policy. I lose COBRA the end of this month, HIPPA for my wife and I will be 1900 per month and an additional 750 for not covered meds. Hiring my wife and applying for group, will see what those rates will be.
It would be easy for an agent to send in a cover letter with your app explaining the reason for your withdrawl was incomplete information and you wanted to get it right. Non-issue, you made the correct choice.

The letter I gave him just said

" I wish to withdraw my application for xyz plan".

I hope I didn't need to put a reason for it. Too late now, he already forwarded it.

I just hope this withdraw doesn't show up as a negative mark on my record.
The problem with HIPPA is if unemployed it is tough to pay the higher premium for a scaled down policy. I lose COBRA the end of this month, HIPPA for my wife and I will be 1900 per month and an additional 750 for not covered meds. Hiring my wife and applying for group, will see what those rates will be.

There is a reason why HIPAA (and even COBRA) are expensive. The only ones who go that route are those who cannot qualify otherwise.

I don't know this guy, but it seems that, if starting a business were a viable alternative he would have done that long before COBRA expires. Based on what he posted, he is uninsurable except in GI states and those with open enrollment.

He can go the risk pool route, if available.

He can also go HIPAA.

As to whether he can afford any of those options, well, that is the $64,000 question.

And to Ron00, you don't need to put a reason. A letter is not even necessary with most carriers. You simply call and cancel.

And no, it won't hurt you to cancel the app.