Door Knocking City Versus Rural


New Member
I'm debating whether to start door knocking in the Atlanta area vs 2 hours away in the rural areas. I intend on using a walk list. Does anyone have experience as far as results in these two approaches?
I'm debating whether to start door knocking in the Atlanta area vs 2 hours away in the rural areas. I intend on using a walk list. Does anyone have experience as far as results in these two approaches?

You will see a lot more people walking a list in Atlanta Vs. the rural towns.
If you are doing stone cold door knocking, the city would be more efficient time wise and gas wise. Much more of a target (market) rich environment, as well. With that said, I've heard there are tons of agents working Atlanta (that should tell you something).
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I'm debating whether to start door knocking in the Atlanta area vs 2 hours away in the rural areas. I intend on using a walk list. Does anyone have experience as far as results in these two approaches?

Drive out anywhere outside metro Atlanta and you'll probably fare alright.

I'll take a lower knock rate working the woods then dodging bullets working the hoods.

Outside of Atlanta? I'd figure any counties along I-20 would work great -- east and west of Atlanta. Same going north on 75, 400 -- all those areas would be where I'm looking at as a cold knocker.
I'm debating whether to start door knocking in the Atlanta area vs 2 hours away in the rural areas. I intend on using a walk list. Does anyone have experience as far as results in these two approaches?

Fulton and Dekalb county are awesome for doorknocking. You will do great there, go get 'em!
I work the cities. I work off a marketing list very tight (a zip code at a time.) I work missionary style (on a bicycle) because I can make 80-100 stops a day without any gas cost! (Just breakfast & a packed lunch)

The problem is, your considered less of a professional because (especially during the summer months,) people tend of think of door to door people as "the kid hawking lawn care services, or great deals on satellite TV"

Just this Saturday, some lady shooed me off the porch, but said, "Do you get credit if i sign your paper or something?" "No Ma'm...I'm a professional!"

I've ran canvassing crews before, we started at the top of the state and worked all the way down. (grid to grid) Rural areas are never knocked by the van crews because it's hard to drop a canvasser off and have them walk farm to farm!

This is how my up-line built their books of business! (Back then it was selling blue collar accidental DI to farmers.)

This is where I would start if I ever get rid of my truck and got something that gets more than 12 miles per gallon!
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that's admirable as heck and sure a ton of work but that's just not the way to sell. Selling is about convincing somebody who have just a little bit of interest in your product to buy it. If every 100 people you see you sell 1 or 2 that would take 1-2 days and very un productive.