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Door Knocking is Powerful

Unfortunately people are getting sophisticated with caller id and i'm noticing more and more people not answering the phone when they see strange #'s. Well I and I bet most people on here don't answer unknown #'s. either you buy 40-50 leads a week to overcome this are you door knock.I actually enjoy door knocking as its one on one face to face.
Unfortunately people are getting sophisticated with caller id and i'm noticing more and more people not answering the phone when they see strange #'s. Well I and I bet most people on here don't answer unknown #'s. either you buy 40-50 leads a week to overcome this are you door knock.I actually enjoy door knocking as its one on one face to face.

Having multiple numbers to rotate through, plus having using numbers with the same area code helps tremendously, but as you said, there will always be those that wouldn't pick the phone up if the President was calling.
I agree highly with door knocking i started in the business in 1982 ran a debit for almost 26 years and loved it. Due to a good retirement pension and 401k i been independent for the last 7 years and just door knock my leads i might make 5 or 6 phone calls a year but that is it.I take my original lead card (not copies)and just go knock. Its fun and enjoyable.

With what Company? .
Having multiple numbers to rotate through, plus having using numbers with the same area code helps tremendously, but as you said, there will always be those that wouldn't pick the phone up if the President was calling.

For the current president I certainly wouldn't pick up.
:DOh you could pick up the phone and tell Hussein what you think about him, lol...

I had one this weekend, called up and he swore neither he nor his wife had sent in any card, because they never send in those types of things.
So I went over what was on the card, DOB etc and he said yes that was correct but he didn't send it in.

He then asked me whose handwriting it was...his or his wifes....(pause)...

After describing the curvey and nice handwriting, he said it was his wifes, not interested, click.

So of course he was a rock's throw from another appt the following day, so I stopped by and knocked. Wife answered the door, recognized her handwriting and let me in (Yeah!)

Then the slob who I talked to on the phone was ropped in...come on in the kitchen buddy....wife tells him that HE told HER to fill it out...so that case is solved!

So I get 5-10 minutes into it, and he starts on some phone call he got yesterday, where he told the guy he dosn't send them cards in....to which I replied, "Sir, you probably sent in a few cards, i don't know..."

So he keeps inturrupting to tell me how obama care has made his Rx price triple (he's disabled and on SSI). and also how HE was the 1 who INVENTED closet storage systems...said alot of people are in that business now but he invented it.

I mean, I'm barely into the 3 options for paying for final expense, and he keeps inturrupting me and going on tangents....mostly how they don't have any money.

So after a bit, the wife asks what would $20 on each of them get in face amt. So I'm in the middle of doing the quote when he just starts up again about this and that, no money, obama etc...and that was it for me!

I just kept nodding my head, put everything in my binder, stood up, put on my jacket, nodding my head the whole time, he finally wraps up and I just say "It was a pleasure meeting the both of you, if you'll excuse me, I have another appointment" and I walked towards the door.

The wife follows me to get a business card for later (yeah right), I'm walking out the door and I see the man motion to get my attention. So I asked "Sir? was there something else?".

He actually says "Yeah, come here for a minute I have something to say to you". oh gawd.

me-"Well, I'm out the door, can you come over here?"

him-"No, I need YOU to come over HERE"

"NO SIR, sorry but I have to leave now, I do have somewhere to be"

he gets angry "Hey I just gave you 30 minutes of my time, you can give me 2 minutes of yours" - of all the freaking nerve!

I told him "NO SIR! I just gave YOU 30 minutes of MY time...and I don't have 2 minutes more for you, I have another appointment...send in another card next time and maybe I'll call"

Now he's huffed up heading towards the door (no sign of all that joint pain etc he'd been telling me about)

Comes to the door and wants the lead card with the notes I'd been taking.

So I rip it off, hand it towards his general direction and just walked...he keeps yammering about this and that, and I never turned around...his last volley was "well I was right about it wasn't ME who sent that card in!!"

Door Knocking....ain't it a joy!!

Never forget who's the one working out there...who's the professional...who is really giving their time to whom...

Sometimes on a door knock they ask me "Are you going to try and sell us life insurance or something"

me "NO!! See, the people who send these cards in are trying to BUY life insurance....so, tell me, why did you take the time to fill out this card, send it to my office, to cause me to be here today"?

Door knocking may not be my favorite at times...but I do so like to make it fun!
:DOh you could pick up the phone and tell Hussein what you think about him, lol...

I had one this weekend, called up and he swore neither he nor his wife had sent in any card, because they never send in those types of things.
So I went over what was on the card, DOB etc and he said yes that was correct but he didn't send it in.

He then asked me whose handwriting it was...his or his wifes....(pause)...

After describing the curvey and nice handwriting, he said it was his wifes, not interested, click.

So of course he was a rock's throw from another appt the following day, so I stopped by and knocked. Wife answered the door, recognized her handwriting and let me in (Yeah!)

Then the slob who I talked to on the phone was ropped in...come on in the kitchen buddy....wife tells him that HE told HER to fill it out...so that case is solved!

So I get 5-10 minutes into it, and he starts on some phone call he got yesterday, where he told the guy he dosn't send them cards in....to which I replied, "Sir, you probably sent in a few cards, i don't know..."

So he keeps inturrupting to tell me how obama care has made his Rx price triple (he's disabled and on SSI). and also how HE was the 1 who INVENTED closet storage systems...said alot of people are in that business now but he invented it.

I mean, I'm barely into the 3 options for paying for final expense, and he keeps inturrupting me and going on tangents....mostly how they don't have any money.

So after a bit, the wife asks what would $20 on each of them get in face amt. So I'm in the middle of doing the quote when he just starts up again about this and that, no money, obama etc...and that was it for me!

I just kept nodding my head, put everything in my binder, stood up, put on my jacket, nodding my head the whole time, he finally wraps up and I just say "It was a pleasure meeting the both of you, if you'll excuse me, I have another appointment" and I walked towards the door.

The wife follows me to get a business card for later (yeah right), I'm walking out the door and I see the man motion to get my attention. So I asked "Sir? was there something else?".

He actually says "Yeah, come here for a minute I have something to say to you". oh gawd.

me-"Well, I'm out the door, can you come over here?"

him-"No, I need YOU to come over HERE"

"NO SIR, sorry but I have to leave now, I do have somewhere to be"

he gets angry "Hey I just gave you 30 minutes of my time, you can give me 2 minutes of yours" - of all the freaking nerve!

I told him "NO SIR! I just gave YOU 30 minutes of MY time...and I don't have 2 minutes more for you, I have another appointment...send in another card next time and maybe I'll call"

Now he's huffed up heading towards the door (no sign of all that joint pain etc he'd been telling me about)

Comes to the door and wants the lead card with the notes I'd been taking.

So I rip it off, hand it towards his general direction and just walked...he keeps yammering about this and that, and I never turned around...his last volley was "well I was right about it wasn't ME who sent that card in!!"

Door Knocking....ain't it a joy!!

Never forget who's the one working out there...who's the professional...who is really giving their time to whom...

Sometimes on a door knock they ask me "Are you going to try and sell us life insurance or something"

me "NO!! See, the people who send these cards in are trying to BUY life insurance....so, tell me, why did you take the time to fill out this card, send it to my office, to cause me to be here today"?

Door knocking may not be my favorite at times...but I do so like to make it fun!

I think those of us that have done some door knocking have all come across the same guy. That's the type that makes me not want to door knock anymore. Since I quit door knocking I haven't felt like I was going to be attacked. People are nuts.
I started out as a door knocker. It works but I still do not like to do it. It
is not the best way to maximize time but I think every FE agent should know how to do it and every new agent should be trained to do nothing but knock doors in the beginning. It will maximize your lead penetration and minimize your lead cost. Later on when an agent is up and running they can decide if they want to call or hire an appointment setter. It is the only way to see any of the 50% of the cards that will not answer the phone.
I started out as a door knocker. It works but I still do not like to do it. It is not the best way to maximize time but I think every FE agent should know how to do it and every new agent should be trained to do nothing but knock doors in the beginning. It will maximize your lead penetration and minimize your lead cost. Later on when an agent is up and running they can decide if they want to call or hire an appointment setter. It is the only way to see any of the 50% of the cards that will not answer the phone.

Initially, it was a love/hate thing for me. I DK'd only because I was not yet efficient at setting appointments. As that changed, with experience, I set my appointments and would book up full days and with little to NO door DK'ing.

Eventually, I was working enough leads to justify an appointment setter. At that point, making $$ from full days of appointments, I didn't door knock for 4 to 5 weeks at a time.

When the appointment bubble burst, and my setter burnt out, it was time door knock until I could find a new one.

That was 5 months ago... I got really good at DK'ing, enjoyed the relaxed feel of no set appts, and never looked back.

Now I can't imagine having a full schedule of appts every day.
Initially, it was a love/hate thing for me. I DK'd only because I was not yet efficient at setting appointments. As that changed, with experience, I set my appointments and would book up full days and with little to NO door DK'ing.

Eventually, I was working enough leads to justify an appointment setter. At that point, making $$ from full days of appointments, I didn't door knock for 4 to 5 weeks at a time.

When the appointment bubble burst, and my setter burnt out, it was time door knock until I could find a new one.

That was 5 months ago... I got really good at DK'ing, enjoyed the relaxed feel of no set appts, and never looked back.

Now I can't imagine having a full schedule of appts every day.

Yep this guy ^^^^^ knows all about the door knock. I have rode with him a few times over the past 2 years. Good dude and we killed it last week. I prefer to have appts with dk mixed in. My goal is to work every lead, either by appt or door knock. I have left mucho dinero on the flooro by not doing this earlier.