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EasyMedicare.com cold calling Advantage plans

Silly agent, you figured gross numbers mean 2 schits? Gross exceeds 150K again no leads or expenses. What matters in our minds is the net...what goes to the bank. Great!! You get $ 250K what do you get to spend?
25K is a small part of the equasion...add that back yer at 100K. If you travel this is not accurate.

FYI you are absolutely clueless on silver plans for a house hold of 6. All under 65. stick to your knowledge base.

Lodging was based on the field agent...not...telesalses. You need help reading posts.

Household of 6 would depend on the household income. If you make 250k, it's only 43K if you count the premium AND the entire OOP. Stop the bullshit. We're still laughing at you and the rest of your cohorts believing that 70k makes you 'rich' with a job they can change the terms and conditions on at any time they feel.


Shit acquiring shit.




I think I brought up 250k so let me respond.

Hahahahahahahahahaha if you think that's comparable to 75k or whatever.

Yes, we have marketing expenses for as long as we market. You got me. I pay to market.

Don't know what you mean about driving - I have a small office an 8 minute drive from my house off a country road. I used to do everything from home but we have 4 kids and I decided it was worth it to work outside the home. But it's all over the phone or people come in. I don't drive them. So gas or whatever is not a big expense.

And there are cycles my friend.. My marketing expenses are lower w/ 1,000+ clients since I don't need to push as hard as when I was at 400 clients. I could ramp them up or slow them down - and I get to make that decision.

Guess what? When expenses go down, renewals don't. At least not quickly... renewals trickle off but not fast.

You quit tomorrow at your call center - you gonna get 75k next year?

If I quit marketing tomorrow (ie cut my biggest expense), and send out 0 ads for the next 3 years - I guarantee revenue will stay over 250 (or real close) - at least for 2-3 years. Let's say I'm wrong and revenue goes to 175. Ok then?

Referrals, spouses, and renewals will keep the ship afloat without a crazy amount of marketing. Just keep the current client base happy and work the spouses and referrals...

It is *not* all about $0 expenses and 75k pure personal money in the bank. That's a lie they sold you. It's about a renewal stream that you own and control.

Bottom line:
If you don't get renewals, or your renewals are gutted, then you lose.

Marketing expenses are worth it to not lose the long game.
Another side note: we also as indy agents have an asset that can be sold. I have a good friend who sold his Medicare book at a 2.5x revenue multiplier.

I don't know that I'll ever sell my book but maybe one day? It's nice to have that option.
Last thing and I'll shut up.

As an s-corp you can do a solo401k. I did that last year (and this year) and since I have checkbook control put it in an apartment syndication.

Just another control aspect to running your own thing. You can direct your own retirement investments and do large contributions (over 50k allowed using a Solo 401k since you are both employer and employee).