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Elephant Underground Vs Hometown Leads Vs Net Quote/quotewizard

If leads are decent she can call me honey or hunnie..in any kind of accent..I digress..I tried UE a year and half ago or so and those leads were terrible..I started working for one of the largest Independent agencies in the country and they began using UE leads we didn't have the highest closing rate with those but they still bought the leads. You buy enough you'll close ,but may not have the best ROI.
Interesting discussion folks.

FYI: I have a few "seats" left for the webinar tomorrow. The topic is one I believe everyone here would be interested in:
How to:

  • Navigate through a complex and multi-tiered sales process
  • Make the most of your leads with a limited budget
  • Accelerate lead response
  • Decrease your cost-per-sale
The Link to register is here: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/459977416 if you’d like to learn more.:idea:


Bob, do you have an average close ratio for life agents?

I realize it will vary from person to person but I would need to write 1 app per 8 leads; any less and it wouldn't be worth the effort.

Sorry for my delayed response. Please email/call me tomorrow.
numbers in my signature below.

Thank you,

I'm currently buying leads from Home Town Quotes.

Before I make my comment let me preface this by saying Bob Klee, I believe is an upstanding guy. I believe he does what he can to make things right.

While he does do what he can to make things right, I felt as if I was always reaching out to him to correct issues, or follow up with issues that were suppose to be taken care of. I would always get a "oh, I'm sorry, I forgot, i'll get right on that"...That's really not that bad. I take it with a grain of salt because what other lead company would you be talking to the President about your issues. So I won't give him a hard time. Plus, there are other agents he's dealing with. I'm a very reasonable guy, almost to a fault.

I will however say that at times, you don't feel as if you have any priority at all. Now that may just be my frustration talking. But we had an issue with an Affiliate... long story short, the affiliate was the problem. Bob said they were committing fraud, I would be inclined to agree.. I've bought over 40 Plus leads, and only 1 sale. But really only one or two were actually legitimate leads. This affiliate was suppose to be taken off of my account. We talked at length about it, and the first time he said it would be taken care of. It wasn't. The 2nd time he said it would be taken care. It wasn't. The third time, well, you get it... and I had to go to him to say "ummm, Bob, you sure this affiliate is off my account?"... Bob's response... "same damn affiliate, I'm sorry, I'll get right on it"... So that is why I feel like I had no priority at all, why does it take 3 plus times to take care of something? Why am I the one going to him to double check that it's taken care of? Again, this is mostly my frustration and anger, but believe me there is no embellishment here. I believe Bob can attest to that. I will say that I had a filter on my account for homes that were 10 years or newer. My company does really well with those. It's a filter that's not used often, but that is no reason to get almost 40 bogus leads.

To Bob's testament, he replaced all of those leads.

Finally, we get the "fraudster affiliate" off my account. Only to find that now... I get no leads. Zero. Zilch... It's been three days and nothing. You have to keep in mind I spent most of January chasing bad leads, and wasting my time, and waiting for credits. Credits are great, but I want to make sales, and not spend my time on getting credits.. I've opened my account to all homes now regardless of age.

Again, I'm a reasonable guy.... but what am I suppose to think? We go from having all these problems and getting bad leads.. to "fixing it'" and not getting any leads at all? Why wouldn't I think there is still a problem?

I'm in Northern California by the way.

Anyway, I'm incredibly frustrated, and have gone from reasonable to ****** off.

I only went with HTQ because of their reputation. Would I recommend them for leads? Sure, if all you want is to get credits, and go in circles. Again, I'm frustrated.

I'm giving it to the end of this week. If I don't get any leads, or if the quality is still garbage, I'm moving on a getting a refund. Again.... would I recommend this company? To be determined......
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I tried hometown and they were HIDEOUS!

I emailed BOB and days later his assistants call me back,

I had signed up for the hot call transfer thing, they couldnt figure out for the life of ANYONE how to make it work right....

So bad, made them refund my money......
doesn't sound like anything has changed over the past couple years when I tried HTQ. maybe it's the area. who knows.
Okay before we go all Medieval on BoB, I will share my exp. Typing on an I phone no phone. I was a noob, ordered some leads from BoB, he delivered I worked them but didn't make any sales because I messed up on the filters. It was 25 leads, he let me keep, those leads and sent me 25 more and help me work on my phone voice. Im sorry I'm on the road and can only type the highlights here. Bob May be the reason I'm still an agent.