FE Agents Wanted To Sell Great New Product

Dang...with all these being from FL I'm starting to get a complex......

"Shut Up"

"No....YOU shut up..."

"Bite me.....I'm leaving."

"Yea.....me too...."
“People can sell tickets to heaven,” a Jacksonville police spokesman said. “But the Watts misrepresented their product. The tickets were just wood spray painted gold with ‘Ticket To Heaven – Admit One’ written in marker. You can’t sell something as gold when it’s not. That’s where the Watts crossed the line into doing something illegal.”

That's all the way hilarious.
I certainly hope the PM I just received was a joke. I will not identify the person but they are a new forum member: The message read:

"I'd like to know more. I am also currently with LH "