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Florida 36 yr old male needs insurance...advice please


Hi. I have been doing Medicare and a little final expense. Any info welcome...I don't see myself writing this as it is not my area of expertise, and I will be looking for an agent for him.

36 yr old male, 5'8", 195 lbs., married, employed, non-tobacco. 3 school age children. Can afford $20-$30/month right now, ready to enroll.

Does not have primary doctor. He will go if necessary to obtain insurance. What he does have here...is 2 instances of allergic reactions to unknown substances...one last June 2020 treated in urgent care with epi pen, and one this year that resulted in 5-day hospitalization. Still unknown source.

Term with convertible feature is all I know enough to think of. Please advise. Thank you.
I did look at term4sale... Too many variables for me.... I need your expert advice. Thank you.
Thanks, Life Hawk.

I don't believe that he has a figure in mind for amount of coverage. He is a personal friend, and I suggested he first decide on a premium he could afford, no matter what. That is where the $20 to $30 per month came in.

His main concern is if something happens to him. He is a wastewater operator, if that matters. I did not think of child rider.

I really don't know much here...are all term policies today convertible to whole life later?

And what about the fact that he does not currently have a primary physician? Can he still get coverage? Will an exam be involved? How does this work, please?
Does anyone have any input on the allergic reaction issue? Will that be a problem with getting a policy issued? And the fact he does not currently have a primary doctor?

And thanks Aaron JM...I don't know how to contact you.
Life Hawk...what do you mean by...if fu won't go? Do you have a good plan for him?

I found a site mentioning Bestow and a couple others. Your thoughts?
Does Bestow also offer waiver of premium and other riders?

This young man is ready, willing and able to buy a policy he can afford now. He asked me because I know him and he trusts me. Please help me help him.
Have I written this in a bad/offensive way?
I thought I would get more help here with my questions. And agents offering to write this fellow an appropriate policy.
most likely the carrier will order the medical records and / or paramed exam to see what the hospital report says about the allergic reaction. primary dr is not really a problem.
You can get 250k of 30 year term for a little over 30 (w/ waiver, w/o he'd be under it) from dozens of companies.

If whole life conversion is important, SBLI, Cincinnati life, Minnesota Life, and Penn Mutual all should have that option.

As bmarsh said, everyone is probably going to want to see what the hospital report says. Most carriers will do quick quotes but you really need to have something (and they're not looking at a hospital report without an app/HIPAA).

Maybe start with SBLI and go from there.

Good luck.