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Getting Back into Individual Health...thoughts??

I agree, not worth it unless you have a book to maintain, and if you can get referral biz. Even with that, it is time to diversify (way past time actually).
Life baby!!!

Right when I was getting a little bit of rhythm going, Borat Obamasama pulled the rug out. Someone calls for health quotes every now and again, most of them end up on the NC Inclusive Health plan because their premiums are higher than Inclusive health or they have some pre-ex condition that would just about guarantee them a decline. I get very little for a commission on inclusive health, but I get a LOT of Life leads from it.
Life baby!!!

Right when I was getting a little bit of rhythm going, Borat Obamasama pulled the rug out. Someone calls for health quotes every now and again, most of them end up on the NC Inclusive Health plan because their premiums are higher than Inclusive health or they have some pre-ex condition that would just about guarantee them a decline. I get very little for a commission on inclusive health, but I get a LOT of Life leads from it.

Hey at least you get SOMETHING. Here in GA you do the client a free favor helping them apply for ind just so they can get turned down first, then you send them the PCIP link. All volunteer work. They can't afford the life after they see the price for PCIP.
......I am 10000% ready to work a 50+ hour week at this if it's still viable with all the Health Reform Law changes but if it's honestly become a different market with comm/bonus cuts, I may try and finally finish that novel!! ;)........

Finish the novel! ;)
do the client a free favor helping them apply for ind just so they can get turned down first, then you send them the PCIP link. All volunteer work.

If you have a link to STM, such as HPA, give them that. They can apply, get an immediate turn down and immediate letter stating such.

Zero time invested on your part.

I have done that several times only to have them call back and say they can't afford PCIP.

Not my problem.
Hey at least you get SOMETHING. Here in GA you do the client a free favor helping them apply for ind just so they can get turned down first, then you send them the PCIP link. All volunteer work. They can't afford the life after they see the price for PCIP.

I hear ya. That really sucks but at very least, you keep their info and keep in touch with them every now and again. Their insurance needs WILL change over time. I'm writing small stuff, including Inclusive Health, on people I could not convert two years ago. One lady called ME and asked about inclusive health. Granted, not a lot of money, but heck, I spent maybe 2 hours total printing out applications, driving to her house to get her signed up, and putting it all in the mail. $75-$100/hour? Not bad at all.
wow corporate death, you drive to people's home for a high risk pool deal, I live in Fl, sell people in NC on inclusive health, return the lead as uninsurable, all over the phone...

props to ya for driving to someone's house.
wow corporate death, you drive to people's home for a high risk pool deal, I live in Fl, sell people in NC on inclusive health, return the lead as uninsurable, all over the phone...

props to ya for driving to someone's house.

Well, here is the deal...

She was on the way to somewhere else I was going, and is relatively close (about 14 miles away). Figure if I'm getting $200 for the deal from IH, that more than pays for the gasoline, wear and tear, and to top it all off, she asked for a stack of cards to give to her friends. One has already called me about IH (no health issues, just paying more than what IH would charge) and is interested in a term life quote.

So, I profited on the IH deal (not a lot, but enough to buy leads), got yet ANOTHER IH deal, and the possibility of earning a Life commish..... and met some great people.
