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Getting Standard- Quote Mainly Due to Fatty Liver(AST, ALK), Can I Shape Up and Give It Another Go f

Another aspect of this is that you will need to be honest on the new application and say "yes" to the question about have you ever been rated for life insurance. This just adds another hurdle to your future purchase. If you lie on that question and a new policy issues without knowing this, then there is a material fact that was ommitted which gives the insurance company their out to paying the claim if they find out.

Bottom line is take the Standard policy, get your weight in line and your liver reading in line (I have personal experience with this side of it and your diet has more to do with this than anything, private message me if you want to know how I got my levels down into the normal range before a surgical procedere I had several years ago). The insurance company is typically going to want to see a minimum of 12 months at the consistent new weight and at that point, try and get re-rated with the existing carrier and if they say no, then shop again.
Another aspect of this is that you will need to be honest on the new application and say "yes" to the question about have you ever been rated for life insurance. This just adds another hurdle to your future purchase. If you lie on that question and a new policy issues without knowing this, then there is a material fact that was ommitted which gives the insurance company their out to paying the claim if they find out.

Bottom line is take the Standard policy, get your weight in line and your liver reading in line (I have personal experience with this side of it and your diet has more to do with this than anything, private message me if you want to know how I got my levels down into the normal range before a surgical procedere I had several years ago). The insurance company is typically going to want to see a minimum of 12 months at the consistent new weight and at that point, try and get re-rated with the existing carrier and if they say no, then shop again.

I have not had a medical checkup or another insurance med checkup since a year ago. So technically my 12 month clock ends within a month or so. So if I drop the weight and specifically AST/ALK I should be good to go for a new app say within 3-4 months at the latest.

To me, its a matter of how fast the numbers drop once you lose the weight. I dont want to do a full physical when I lost the weight but my numbers are still slowly falling. I need to know when that level off point is.

I wont be lying about getting a quote etc. That will be left on there for sure as would any other mandatory requirements/fields. I would not be lying or have I lied on anything. That would just be a stupid move.
.... I should be good to go for a new app say within 3-4 months at the latest......

....... That would just be a stupid move.

I hope everything works out ok for you, I honestly do. Unfortunately us agents see this kind of thinking way to much. And there are 2 major flaws in your reasoning that I have seen play out very badly many times before.

Does your work insurance continue with you after you leave your job? If not, you need an individual policy no matter what.

I dont care if you have job security or not. No one has 100% job security.
Businesses go under, get bought out, change benefit plans, etc.
If your work insurance is not portable, it is not yours. You do not control or own it.
One stroke of a pen for many different reasons could immediately erase a work based policy.

Its great that you are willing and able to get in better health.
Unfortunately no one knows what the next 3 months hold for you or anyone else.

You can always get a new policy or ask to have your health rating reviewed once your healthier.

But what happens if you suddenly have a seizure one day and find out you have brain cancer? Then your SOL.

This very thing happened to my best friend at age 32.
He decided to wait until a month after christmas to do a Disability Policy & a Life Policy. (his reasons were financial, not health)
Then 2 days before he was scheduled to fill out apps he had a seizure.
The very day we were scheduled to fill out apps he found out he had Stage 3 brain cancer and was given 5-10 years to live (that was 5 years ago).

Now, he had the money to buy the policies before this happened. But he didnt see the harm in waiting a couple of months......

And he is not the only one by any means. I have seen this multiple times in my career. Many other agents have the exact same type of story.

My professional opinion is that you are splitting extremely small hairs and loosing sight of the big picture.

The big picture is that you need an individual policy that is not work based. Get it while you can, if you dont, your family will be the ones paying the price.... If you qualify for a better rate down the road then great.
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I have not had a medical checkup or another insurance med checkup since a year ago. So technically my 12 month clock ends within a month or so. So if I drop the weight and specifically AST/ALK I should be good to go for a new app say within 3-4 months at the latest.

To me, its a matter of how fast the numbers drop once you lose the weight. I dont want to do a full physical when I lost the weight but my numbers are still slowly falling. I need to know when that level off point is.

I wont be lying about getting a quote etc. That will be left on there for sure as would any other mandatory requirements/fields. I would not be lying or have I lied on anything. That would just be a stupid move.

Your 12 month clock starts after you confirm your new numbers with your physician.

You are still going to need coverage while you wait. Please, for the sake of your family, shove your EGO aside and take the lowest priced product you have been quoted and then replace it when your health numbers have improved and the time has passed.
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I agree there's too much thinking going on. First, 6-2 and 220 is still at the top end of Preferred. Waiting and losing weight may help the root cause of the rating, but here's the real question...

If you wait and then something totally unrelated further hampers your insurability or makes you uninsurable, what could you POSSIBLY tell yourself and your family that would make you glad you waited? My hunch is that anything you might think of to justify waiting would sound pretty stupid at that point.

Not to be a prophet of doom, but the vast majority (over 90%) of 34-year olds who apply for life insurance are issued standard or better. Your issue isn't your weight alone. 6-2, 220 isn't the problem. Hopefully the liver issue can be addressed and you'll make it to life expectancy and beyond. But don't let squeezing a nickel today become one of the worst decisions you ever make.
"To me, its a matter of how ......."

David? That's great, how much coverage can you sell yourself?

David? It isn't your call, it's theirs. Every company has requirements an individual needs to meet to be offered coverage. These requirements NEVER change, only the people applying do up or down. You can figure all you want, you can play an angle if that's what you want to do. Will it work? Not usually.

Contact the company, ask specifically what you can do to improve your class and how much time must pass and then decide if you can do that or not.
I have not had a medical checkup or another insurance med checkup since a year ago. So technically my 12 month clock ends within a month or so. So if I drop the weight and specifically AST/ALK I should be good to go for a new app say within 3-4 months at the latest.

To me, its a matter of how fast the numbers drop once you lose the weight. I dont want to do a full physical when I lost the weight but my numbers are still slowly falling. I need to know when that level off point is.

I wont be lying about getting a quote etc. That will be left on there for sure as would any other mandatory requirements/fields. I would not be lying or have I lied on anything. That would just be a stupid move.

You are correct in your thinking.

Do not read the rest of this. VVV

You did the exam a year ago. You did not lose the weight yet. You have not started to get your liver numbers right. You think the standard offer is still on the table. You think the pennies per thousand difference between standard and preferred (which you do not qualify for) Are more important than the security to your wife and child. You will never leave your job or get fired or laid off. You know more than the experts here. You make good money. You are going to look into disability insurance.... Someday. You are correct, good luck to you.
Sorry guys, but I have had to tell to many of my termites they can not get anymore affordable coverage this year.
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I would lock in the policy on a monthly basis and then do some investigation.

The underwriting concern isn't your build...that's really secondary at this point to the real issues driving fatty liver disease.

If you have fatty liver disease, underwriting wants to know if it's alcohol driven, or is it non-alcohol fatty liver ...in which case the concern is more about whether the insured is diabetic, or in a pre-diabetic stage.

I would tell you that if you drink too much...this is a great offer and you should lock it in now....if it's non-alcohol related, this is probably still a good offer for now at standard rates, and you should lock it in on a monthly, and then see if you can do better....best guess is a standard plus rate.