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Google Pay Per Click Advertising Tips


Please feel free to ask any question you guys have on Google Pay Per Click advertising. As you know Insurance related pay per click terms can be very expensive...But there are ways to increase your quality score which will decrease you average cost per click significantly. Also,
If you guys aren't doing retargeting/remarketing then you are missing out on a big lead opportunity. Ask away...again. I am not selling anything so ask away!!!
The more clicks you get as a percentage of impressions, the higher your quality score. There are other variables, but this is the main one.

Bidding higher won't necessarily help because the ad's position is taken into account. In another words, a 2% click through on an ad in the last position might give you a great quality score, but a 2% click through might give you a lousy quality score if you are in position 2.

To get more clicks and a higher quality score:
  1. Write two ads
  2. Test them
  3. Select the best ad
  4. Replace the loser
  5. Rinse and repeat
This is also very important

Make sure that your ads match your keywords. Create adgroups of a small amount of related keywords. Then write ads that speak to the needs of the visitors who might click on those keywords.

This doesn't have much to do with quality score, but it will help you make more money

Ideally you want separate adgroups or campaigns for broad match, phrase match, exact match and context match.
If that is too much work, don't bid on context match and broad match. You can make money on those, but it takes more experimentation.
How do you improve quality score?

* utilize dynamic keyword insertion in your ad copy
*Make sure your keywords are listed in your landing page copy
* meta tag title and h1 includes keywords
*Make sure you include a privacy policy in your landing page
*a/b test all ads and choose the ad that has the highest click through rate
Who can afford PPC advertising? We get enough "tire kickers" with our organic traffic...I can't imagine being charged for these time wasters...and then trying to recoup my expenses

Is anyone making a positive ROI with PPC leads?
Is any one using retargeting. For those who don't know, you place a cookie on browsers of the people who vist your site...from organic, ppc or any other way. You then upload banners and the banners follow your visitors around the web. Very cheap cost per click very high ROI
* utilize dynamic keyword insertion in your ad copy
*Make sure your keywords are listed in your landing page copy
* meta tag title and h1 includes keywords
*Make sure you include a privacy policy in your landing page
*a/b test all ads and choose the ad that has the highest click through rate

Dynamic keyword insertion is better than doing nothing, but it is better to write your own ad copy. This is more work because you have to create more adgroups and write more ads to make sure that the keywords and the ad copy go well together.

Anything on the landing page will have minimal impact on your quality score, although it should increase your income, which is what it is all about. So, although I think it is a very good idea to create a match between the keywords in the adgroup, the text on the ad and the text on the landing page, the latter will have little impact on your quality score.

What Google cares about is how much money they make. This means that they want to display the ads that get clicked on the most. The higher your click through rate, the better your quality score.

Google doesn't give a darn about your conversion rate. Although your cost per click will go down when your quality score goes up, make sure that your cost per conversion still gives you a good ROI. Sometimes your click through rate and your conversion rate can go in opposite directions.