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Got Backed Into.. Insurance Claims Newbie.


New Member
So here's the quick story. I was backed into at a gas station becuase the lady in front of me decided to reverse. Apparently, she had the front end of her car in the street and another car was coming and she freaked out and reversed to avoid an accident, but without looking, she backed straight into my car. ( Hood, Front bumper, Grill, Driver headlight needs replacing and radiator support will need to be straightened.)

I did what anyone would do. I grabbed all the information I needed and filed a claim against her insurance. Turns out, it's Bristol West/Farmers and from what I hear, they are not that great. I immediately went and grabbed estimates from two very good shops locally to see how much it was going to cost. I'm going to use that as defense when their adjuster decides to come look at my car ( they are very hard to reach). I know I'm not at fault and just need the other person to claim liability before anything can proceed forward.

Both shops I went did mention that it would be a good choice to go through my insurance company instead (All-State). They said All state is more accurate with the estimates. I called my agent as asked him what I should do and he seemed a little lazy when I said that I might just go through All -state and have them bill the company ( maybe he's lazy).

So my questions are:

What should I do? Go through All-state and have them bill the other insurance company?


Go with Bristol West/Farmers and wait for their adjuster to give me an estimate?

The shops I got estimates from are the ones I will probably go to get my car fixed. They are highly rated and were recommended to me by friends.

Sorry for the long read but I need some advice through this process. I just want my car to be back the way it was before to OEM specs.
Sounds like overkill.

It is a third party claim. They have to restore your vehicle to its previous condition. You didn't sign the policy and agree to used parts, unless that is just all they can find.

I recently had to deal with a claim with Farmers, not Bristol West, but mainline Farmers. They were frustrating as could be until the insured finally admitted fault which she was slow about doing. Also, they initially didn't want to put me in a rental that was equivalent to my vehicle. Fortunately Enterprise gave me the same size vehicle, I hope they got paid by Farmers for it.

I took it to the shop of my choice and they did a great job on the repairs. So really nothing to complain about once they finally acknowledged liability after talking to their insured.

I would procure the police report and be a thorn in the adjuster's side if there is any delay in acknowledging liability. After that, it was pretty easy.
There is a small hiccup. When I was talking to the police officer, he said that since this was in a parking lot, he didn't need to file a police report.( which I thought was weird, but again I'm new to this situation.) Now I'm just for the lady to acknowledge liability so I can fix this ASAP. It's WA and I can't drive around with a busted headlight in the rain. Thanks for the quick reply.
Did she admit, she backed up? She may have selective memory. Have your insurance co, handle it. Otherwise you will be dragged through the mud. Been there!
Did she admit, she backed up? She may have selective memory. Have your insurance co, handle it. Otherwise you will be dragged through the mud. Been there!

My first post here - and I must agree with b61mack.

Go through your own insurance - that's why you buy insurance. Get your statement on record with them. This has the potential to turn "pear shaped" (is that just an Aussie expression?) with the guilty party possibly claiming it was your fault. I've seen it happen many times - once even to me.

Were there any witnesses? Any video footage from gas station?

Good luck..........

Dan :1biggrin:
Yeah, She admitted it to me right after she hit me AND to the police officer that came.
^^ How would I be able to get that info?

I'm sure there is video footage but I haven't asked the gas station yet. I'm not sure if they would just hand it over?
Call or stop by the police station, the officer has to account for his time, so they file incident reports, on most things they do. Also stop by the the gas station, and ask. Time is of the essence, they may tape over it.