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Help me I feel like quitting...

Referral business is the BEST business! I go out of my way to make my clients satisfied with awesome service and they send me their family, friends and neighbors. Those referrals come with a "pre-installed trust" in you which makes pleasing them even easier. It's the only way to grow and it feels good when your clients are pleased with your service.
I work with several providers and also do campouts. I can share my experiences with you and provide some pointers on how to work those offices.

Send me a PM is you want to talk.
I am an agent completely new to sales. I have been recommending medicare advantage apps for 6 months. I hope its ok to post this here, if not i apologize. I spend about 12 hours a week camped out at doctors offices. I have a website and just got started on facebook business. I am 50 years old and retired from a good paying job. Kids are grown no bills really and i can live comfortably on my pension check.
I also have a decent 401k that i dont touch.

I dont mind kicking my hours up to any level if they would pay off. I ttold myself if in 6 months i have signed 20 people so what would 8 hour days do 5 more apps?

I also am not accustomed to the undermining characteristics of some agents. Is it cool to add your business telephone number to business cards your printing for your downline...jeez?

But on the flipside there are a couple of agents who i love for the selfless help they afford.

I sit here at a restaurant after breakfast the weather very cold and rainy. I am supposed to be at a doctors office that has got me zero apps. I told myself f#@k this....

I have not touched the life insurance side yet because i havent found the help I and support I need to get rolling as i did with my current team. I feel i could probably do well in life sales given the same kind of support i recieved selling MA plans.

I have not tried direct mail or live leads. Live leads seem expensive and shady.

Why do I feel like quitting?
low sales (26 weeks = 20 apps )
slow payment of commissions
I dont trust my direct upline
marketing is inneffective so far
The pay is crappola

Why continue?
I like helping people.
I like doing the right thing when i sell
I like meeting new people
I like a challenge

Maybe i can read your opinions and get thru this...maybe im doing something wrong

I don't really have any advice on the "upline" thing because I've never really been "tied" to an upline. So, let's skip that.

Let's talk about the awesome insurance business.

I can say this: Every medicare policy I sell - I think to myself, "I just earned $1,500 or more long-term commission." ($250 x 6 = rough estimate)

Realistically, $1,500 is conservative. On MAPD, often you'll get lifetime comp. With Med Supp, often you'll get higher yearly. But, some clients will die or cancel... so let's just work with $1,500.

You've sold 20 policies = $30,000 lifetime comp. You've worked 12 hours weekly for 26 weeks....totaling 312 hours (give or take).

$96 per hour isn't too shabby for a part-time gig.

Get a few referrals, figure out how to sell 1 per week consistently, then 2 per week consistently, and I don't think you'll regret it even as a part-time thing.
I don't really have any advice on the "upline" thing because I've never really been "tied" to an upline. So, let's skip that.

Let's talk about the awesome insurance business.

I can say this: Every medicare policy I sell - I think to myself, "I just earned $1,500 or more long-term commission." ($250 x 6 = rough estimate)

Realistically, $1,500 is conservative. On MAPD, often you'll get lifetime comp. With Med Supp, often you'll get higher yearly. But, some clients will die or cancel... so let's just work with $1,500.

You've sold 20 policies = $30,000 lifetime comp. You've worked 12 hours weekly for 26 weeks....totaling 312 hours (give or take).

$96 per hour isn't too shabby for a part-time gig.

Get a few referrals, figure out how to sell 1 per week consistently, then 2 per week consistently, and I don't think you'll regret it even as a part-time thing.

Of course, if you quit... you'll give up the bulk of the comp.
One more thing... do you have a few people in your "pipeline" yet? You should. i.e., future planned sales. People who could not sign up yet (not those who just said no... those who couldn't due to eligibility, etc.). While we don't want to count them until they've signed the apps... there is fortune in the follow up.

I was just checking in and I see some very helpful replies....thank you very much I truly appreciate it!

Update: Ok so after the replies and insight it referenced and caused I decided to hang in there til the end. I have a new outlook and it is bright and sunny. I really enjoy helping people and this feels good no matter how I look at it. I am hoping to end the year with maybe 30 clients and FE and Life is looking very interesting to me. I even had a couple of new beneficiaries ask about life insurance.

I also have a new outlook on my up-line...perhaps I was just wrong in my perspective and speculation. I have received nothing but help and good wishes from them. This is life and this is a business so I don't take it personally.

I am going to respond to all who offered to help me. In 2 years Ill be doing good enough. Now I'm doing good enough. One day Ill be doing great.

Thank you forumsters for helping me when I was grey skies....

I was just checking in and I see some very helpful replies....thank you very much I truly appreciate it!

Update: Ok so after the replies and insight it referenced and caused I decided to hang in there til the end. I have a new outlook and it is bright and sunny. I really enjoy helping people and this feels good no matter how I look at it. I am hoping to end the year with maybe 30 clients and FE and Life is looking very interesting to me. I even had a couple of new beneficiaries ask about life insurance.

I also have a new outlook on my up-line...perhaps I was just wrong in my perspective and speculation. I have received nothing but help and good wishes from them. This is life and this is a business so I don't take it personally.

I am going to respond to all who offered to help me. In 2 years Ill be doing good enough. Now I'm doing good enough. One day Ill be doing great.

Thank you forumsters for helping me when I was grey skies....

I'm not sure if you meant this like you said here, but you should be asking them about it, not the other way around.
Your selling the wrong product for you. I sold the wrong products for years and didn't make much money. But eventually I found the product that I am passionate about. It's not you it's the product. Don't give up, just try something else.
Your selling the wrong product for you. I sold the wrong products for years and didn't make much money. But eventually I found the product that I am passionate about. It's not you it's the product. Don't give up, just try something else.
What product are you passionate about?