Here we go again . Stamps 68 to 73 cents in July . Up 48% since 2019


5000 Post Club
1000 mailer at lead concepts will be $690 . Honestly you'll have to do BS leads like Walmart and 2-3% returns to make it work . I got .6% on a drop a few months ago . That's would be $100 plus a lead
It's amazing how the business has shifted since COVID.

Before COVID, more than 95% of my producers sold face-to-face.

Now, 85%+ of my new agent applicants only want to sell remotely.

Give or take, 80% of my Weekly/Monthly Top 20 sell exclusively over the phone.
Isn't that a proposed number rather than a final one? Would we expect that much of an increase to be approved?
1000 mailer at lead concepts will be $690 . Honestly you'll have to do BS leads like Walmart and 2-3% returns to make it work . I got .6% on a drop a few months ago . That's would be $100 plus a lead
Me? I'm good. The majority of my new business is coming from people that are doing well.

However, for many, the sky is falling all around them. Including agents trying to break into the business or potential clients trying to pay for their kids school lunches or seniors trying to pay the electric bill.

$100 leads? Would be the breaking point for a lot of new agents.

The percentage in the first part of this say the sky has already crashed.
