hiring an assistant during AEP

I assume its a PT job, that averages 20 hours per week over 52 weeks. (Its actually less and I don't care)

Look at it like this: $25/hour is $50K for full time work.

Person 1 has been with me 10 years and because she is getting widow benefits, we get pretty creative. But she cant make more than $20K-ish. Please don't ask. ;)

Person 2 started at $18/hour (I think?) and got a "you are fabulous" raise in January. Plus the annual raise.(See below)

Assuming we hit our annual goal (which is 120 new clients per year), each person gets $500 more per month, beginning with the March paycheck after 1/1. At 120 clients per year, with a $25PMPM average, that's a raise of $36K. I give each of them $6K of it.

I want good, happy people.
Are you the only person selling in your agency? How many clients do you have now? You sound very generous. That 120 client goal is interesting, I might actually be able to hit that for the first time this year. How'd you arrive at that #?
As of today, I am the only person selling. Adding 3 LOA, currently getting them licensed

It’s 10 new people a month!

It’s generous and keeps them happy. I also give gift cards in September. I want happy people.
As of today, I am the only person selling. Adding 3 LOA, currently getting them licensed

It’s 10 new people a month!

It’s generous and keeps them happy. I also give gift cards in September. I want happy people.
Congrats! Good luck with your new agents.

Yeah 10 a month is a nice goal. I'm hoping to get 150 this year but 120 might be more realistic of a goal.

I hope I am also able to get to that point where I can hire and train some people and be generous with them.
Has anyone thought about hiring from a temp agency? They ask all the qualifying questions and I believe do all the tax deductions, benefits, etc. You just pay them a flat rate, right?
Has anyone thought about hiring from a temp agency? They ask all the qualifying questions and I believe do all the tax deductions, benefits, etc. You just pay them a flat rate, right?

You know what I hired from hire hero's, Virtual Assistant and I could not be happier

I am about 3 weeks in
What do you have them doing for you so far?

1st, I have one VA from them, so its like she just works for me

ok I am changing CRMS so there is not only a lot of data entry, not only that there are things that she can contact the CRM and figure out what needs to be done and i don't need to be involved
sets things up

she calls ins carriers for things

answers the phones, just basic so far just started that but she sounds good and will expand on that

does some creative so far did a few card designs and content. on mail box power, with some back and forth but she did the bulk of it

fills out apps when a paper app is needed

sets up new clients into work flows sets up cover letters , we mail from here but she sets it up puts them in to mail campaign and soo to be email campaigns as well

bunch of other things as well I cant think of at the moment

here sends me emails with my appointments does responses good ones for reviews

uploads list of leads to go high level

moves clients from gohigh level to other crm when they are converted

just a lot of stuff

That's great being able to do that many things in the first 3 weeks. Maybe something for me to consider.

Answering phones and communicating with clients has gone well?
1st, I have one VA from them, so its like she just works for me

ok I am changing CRMS so there is not only a lot of data entry, not only that there are things that she can contact the CRM and figure out what needs to be done and i don't need to be involved
sets things up

she calls ins carriers for things

answers the phones, just basic so far just started that but she sounds good and will expand on that

does some creative so far did a few card designs and content. on mail box power, with some back and forth but she did the bulk of it

fills out apps when a paper app is needed

sets up new clients into work flows sets up cover letters , we mail from here but she sets it up puts them in to mail campaign and soo to be email campaigns as well

bunch of other things as well I cant think of at the moment

here sends me emails with my appointments does responses good ones for reviews

uploads list of leads to go high level

moves clients from gohigh level to other crm when they are converted

just a lot of stuff

Call carriers for what ? They can’t sort out claims issues. . I can order an id card in 25 seconds. Crm ? Every time you sell someone she manually downloads data? Can she enter drugs correctly on search or save or Connecture ? Look up drs ? What’s it $12 an hr ? They were $8 an hr if you bought x amount of hrs at a time.
Problem is will good ones stay ? They’ll get smart as they make $4-$5 an hr and go on their own
Call carriers for what ? They can’t sort out claims issues. . I can order an id card in 25 seconds. Crm ? Every time you sell someone she manually downloads data? Can she enter drugs correctly on search or save or Connecture ? Look up drs ? What’s it $12 an hr ? They were $8 an hr if you bought x amount of hrs at a time.
Problem is will good ones stay ? They’ll get smart as they make $4-$5 an hr and go on their own

Good for you but my hold time is a lot longer then 15 seconds, yes she can call on CS issues 3 way calls ,

Have not got as far as search and save I have not even tried it myself as of yet

look up Dr? what are you talking about?

I am paying $9

If that happens then it does
Hey listen you might not think it worth it

But it is a HUGE help for me, Man I cant even begin, really its a big deal, every time I get pulled away for a 10 min task and another and another it runs into an unproductive day and its a mental distraction

yes moving client data is a BIG DEAL

how do you not appreciated that you have to have over 1000 clients with they way you speak there is no way that hasn't been overwhelming to manage

do you have processes sequence that go out mail and email to generate referrals?

do you not lose full days with CS and other back office stuff?

I do and have for years, My wife was my help but with my youngest being severely autistic I have not had her doing many hours in the last couple years and it is a LOT

there are issues I have to track down that have cost me half day on what I thought would be a few minuets

Look I am not arguing with you just kind of shocked with the volume you did that you are not at all overwelled as a one man show

I am