I had a lead that I met with whom is the office manager at a Doctors office. The office employees(6 total) are paying on an Aetna group around 7-$800.00 dollars per month each, even for single young and healthy employees. He claimed that they were paying so much because they had an employee that was HIV positive. The renewals were coming up next month and I showed the office manager what I could do on an individual basis for him, and he was in shock about the difference in an Ind versus a group. He said he was going to be leaving the job soon and needed some coverage that he could take with him. I thought well he is the perfect candidate for a Ind plan. He told me he was totally healthy other than some mild HBP. He was so over joyed he started telling all the nurses and the Doctor about what he would be saving. They then all wanted to get quotes and fill out apps. They asked if I could leave the apps and they would complete over the weekend. Well today I receive the apps from the office manager and the six employees, and the office managers apps health history questions, he answered that he had HIV. WTF? I called him and told him I couldn't help him other than getting him quotes with other companies on a group basis. I didnt ask why he didnt tell me, during our hour long meeting discussing insurance, that it was him that actually had the HIV. Now with the rest of the employees how would every one else handle this situation? Should I leave them alone? or submit them all incuding the office manager for group quotes to see if I can beat the high premiums they are paying with Aetna?