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Hometown Quotes Offer

all lead companies are sinking faster than obama... they let their biz get out of hand, took advantage of us agents and now they are pond skum... all of them... i hope they all go tits up... they deserve it

Wow, I'm sorry you feel that way, I truly am. It is quite obvious they have not worked for you. I find it hard to believe that a whole industry is "pond skum" just because you can't make it work for your agency! Why would BankRate.com buy InsureMe & NetQuote if that was the case? Do you think business owners go into business with the intent of selling fraudulent leads? If so, why do you think so?

Obviously you have not had much luck with internet leads...Like I've said before. One does not need to re-invent the wheel to be successful in the Insurance Profession. There are many ways to get there & I would flat guarantee you that Internet Leads are not for everyone. Neither is cold calling for dollars, X-dating, etc.

But you know what? I know Many, Many agents that Love doing business that way. It just isn't for everyone.

So Peelerinsurance.com, since internet leads don't work for you do you mind telling us what process you have in place to find new business. I know there are others that are not good with internet leads that need to learn other methods also.

Thank you for your opinion though. I'm sure others will benefit by it.:swoon:
Bob... Your kidding right? If you spent about an horr searching post you would know where I get leads and know I think all lead co are pond scum ... Shoo go away... Your days are over... U make an offer.., screw it up and then backtrack. Typical bait and switch. Not these guys fault you screwed up your offer... Hope u go broke
I'm still interested in hearing how many agents get each lead? Are the affiliates selling them to someone else at the same time they sell them to you?
Doesn't matter how many agents the lead gets sold to if its more than 1.

Why? As soon as a call center gets it, they load it into a dialer. Different agents in the call center will use that lead. Also, larger agencies will give the lead to several agents to try to sell.

Basically, even though the lead company only sold it 4 times, you'll still have 20 agents calling. Then there is the fact they may have sold it 8 times..... and the affiliate may have sold it to more than one lead vendor......


Peerless is not the only member of this forum that does not hold Internet lead companies in high regard.

You made a promotional offer to every member Of the largest group of insurance agents on the Internet. This could be a great opportunity for you and your company. I suggest that you cut your losses honor your word and the offer that you made or just go away.
Hey Bobbie Klee, thx for ignoring our posts with very specific questions.....

So you ignore specific questions and F-UP your offer and now not give the free leads in your offer....

HMMMMMM, kinda expect we dont see you around here much after this......

Maybe Peeler is right.....
I take the opposite view. Bob is willing to come on here and be pretty upfront with us agents. While I think internet leads are pretty much old school at this point for the average joe agent, I would much rather do business with someone who tries to support the community rather than just someone who just takes the money and runs and you never hear from them till your credit card doesn't work anymore.

Why are internet leads old school? Everyone has a dialer now. Lead comes in, the lead is called from 20 different agents inside of 3 minutes. (granted, some calls are from the same call center). Without a lot of automation on the agents part, the cards are stacked against them.

I knew that the free leads would require some kind of purchase. That is usually how these things work in most businesses. I don't expect something to be absolutely free unless they make it very clear that there is no other purchase necessary.

I may try the leads. I haven't used internet leads so far, but I want to try everything at least a few times before I decide the way that's best. And I agree with djs. At least they are on here trying to work things out. I give them credit for that.
If you screwed up your offer, that's okay... We're all human, but how about you be a man of your word?

If your initial offer was $125 in free leads, no questions asked, maybe it wouldn't be a horrible idea to honor that. It would show a little integrity (which most lead companies have little to none).

If your leads aren't junk, you will likely create a good number of accounts...
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