How are you working around the holiday?

Try to stay in the field at least 1 day per week as we have agents flying in and doing ride-a longs pretty consistently! Sometimes I'll go out a second day.

My field days are like days off, compared to office days. I enjoy doing what we do and it's nice to go out and sell when there's no pressure!

Happy Memorial Day everyone!

Doug those leads FB leads or DM
Doug those leads FB leads or DM

Yesterday I actually worked a mixture of FB, TM, and DM leads. Ended up putting over 400 miles on the car as I had a total of 12 appointments in 5 Cities!

From when I left the house to when I got back home it was almost 14 hours. Passed out as soon as I got out of the shower and am now wide awake at 3 AM! lol

The good news is that I took 6 Applications @ 4,060 of AP
3 Sales were from Facebook Leads, 2 DM and 1 TM
The good news is that I took 6 Applications @ 4,060 of AP 3 Sales were from Facebook Leads, 2 DM and 1 TM

That is a heck of a day, Doug! 14 hours for that kind of production isn't too hard to take ... exhausting I'm sure. But you likely don't have any regrets :noteworthy:
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I just made 4 thousand dollars selling life insurance on Memorial Day and my new Food Stamp allotment is coming on Friday June 1rst. Life is grand baby! Now whats with that monkey hanging around here all the time anyway? Did they take an insurance agent and cross him with planet of the apes? Boy that Ambien gave me a good ride last night.
I just made 4 thousand dollars selling life insurance on Memorial Day and my new Food Stamp allotment is coming on Friday June 1rst. Life is grand baby! Now whats with that monkey hanging around here all the time anyway? Did they take an insurance agent and cross him with planet of the apes? Boy that Ambien gave me a good ride last night.
That monkey hangs(that's what monkeys do) around here to learn and for the entertainment, of which you're a part of(the entertainment, not the learning, lol). :twitchy: