How Long to Become an Auto Insurance EXPERT?


Question for those of you who consider yourselves Experts in the field of qouting personal/commercial auto policies. Any tips on how you became and how soon it took you? I'm just starting out and my "niche" is mainly commercial fleet auto in Florida.
Question for those of you who consider yourselves Experts in the field of qouting personal/commercial auto policies. Any tips on how you became and how soon it took you? I'm just starting out and my "niche" is mainly commercial fleet auto in Florida.

I would estimate 5-10 years.
That's kind of like asking how long is a piece of string.

I would think that it totally depends on the person and how much time they want to dedicate to learning their trade. If an agent is working at it like a full-time job all day every day, studying at night then I would guess the knowledge will come fairly quickly.

When I first started it wasn't product knowledge that was the main stumbling block. It was how to deal with objections and how to present the information in a logical way that made perfectly good sense to my prospect.

Learn to identify all of the areas where people either have little knowledge or believe the common misconceptions about the product that they may have "learned" from their neighbor. Everyone knows that their neighbor knows more about insurance than the agent does. haha

It took me a while to educate myself in all the different scenarios that came up so I knew how to educate them if that makes any sense.

I believe regardless of what one is selling the basics are going to be the same. Being an expert to me is not only knowing the information but knowing how to present it in a manner the prospect can understand and identify with.

I think too many agents try to explain things to prospects as though they were talking to another insurance agent. The most frequent comment I get after a presentation is, "Thank you for explaining it so I could understand it, no one has ever taken the time to do that before".
WOW, I hope you are NOT serious! I realize Auto Insurance is not the easiest of P&C to grasp, but I was "Hoping" I might "feel" very comfortable explaining it to my clients sooner than 5 years.
WOW, I hope you are NOT serious! I realize Auto Insurance is not the easiest of P&C to grasp, but I was "Hoping" I might "feel" very comfortable explaining it to my clients sooner than 5 years.

I think you can be comfortable in 12-18 months but there would be a lot of fine details that will only be picked up over time. That is my story and I am sticking to it.
Some agents are such experts that within months of contracting they start recruiting.

Start studying instead of posting until you are an expert!

Quoting is easy, you should be able to do that pretty quickly (like today). You won't really be an 'expert' until you have had a few large claims under your belt though.

Unfortunately, understanding what it takes to be truly insured is almost a lesson learned.

I've been doing home and auto for a long time and I still learn something new with claims that come in. Yes, many are pretty run of the mill, but when you have a large loss, there is always something new to learn.

Question for those of you who consider yourselves Experts in the field of qouting personal/commercial auto policies. Any tips on how you became and how soon it took you? I'm just starting out and my "niche" is mainly commercial fleet auto in Florida.

Way to vague of a question, you must keep in mind, everyone's learning curve is different, also, each person will face their own problems, and each will learn from those problems at a different speed, while some may become discouraged with a problem, another may want to research every aspect of that problem so it never happens again.

I guess it boils down to, how bad do you want to become an expert? I would put money that if you wanted to become one and put 100% of your effort in, less than 3 years....

If you put 50% in, probably like 6-10 years...that's the best guess I could throw out there
With diligent/dedicated study you can do it in months and not years. Truckers are a different animal and that would take some time.

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