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How Much Do Agents Make?

If you are only making $10k/y for every 15h per week of work then something is seriously wrong. Your problem might be that you do not consider your meetings with prospects as work... that part is just as important as setting the appointment.

Sometimes if you make a practice of doing the former they do the latter for you.


Actually I would stress that more with clients over prospects.
You guys make too many assumptions. I said if you work 15 hours a week considering what you guys consider working. Conducting an appointment is a reward not work. Getting the appointment/ prospecting is the work. IProspect two days a week which is about 15 hours and make commissions in the 55k range. Pay attention next time

Communicate more clearly next time.

You are correct that prospecting is usually harder work than the actual meeting with the prospect. But both are money making activities that would be considered work.

And the reward is making a sale... which comes after putting in work when meting with a prospect.

You sound like a sales manager or a koolaid drinking agent at a captive life shop.
I'm just wondering how much the agents here or anywhere usually make in a year- or every month- maybe starting off or after a few years. What is your typical income as an agent and do you work for an agency or not?

also on a side question- has anyone tried those insurance quoting websites before? like quotit and do those work as far as making income?

Last year I made Eleventy Billion Dollars [sic]
If a new agent/seasoned agent prospected every week for at least 15 hours (actually calling people), I would suspect it would be hard not to hit six figures within three years. Simple, but difficult for most.
You guys make too many assumptions. I said if you work 15 hours a week considering what you guys consider working. Conducting an appointment is a reward not work. Getting the appointment/ prospecting is the work. IProspect two days a week which is about 15 hours and make commissions in the 55k range. Pay attention next time

Well I pay for leads and an appt setter. This week I wrote just a tad over $10k in life business... I did work close to 30 hours though. It was tough, didn't know how I was going to make it through.

Taking out for my leads and appt setter I'll still net somewhere around 10k. Kind of blows your theory out of the water
LMAO who knew I was in the midst of so many incredibly successful people. It's a good thing you all make so much and work so little because if any of you were paid for comprehension you wouldbe in a soup kitchen lol and I don't mean volunteering I mean standing in line
LMAO who knew I was in the midst of so many incredibly successful people. It's a good thing you all make so much and work so little because if any of you were paid for comprehension you wouldbe in a soup kitchen lol and I don't mean volunteering I mean standing in line

The problem you have is you don't know what you don't know. Some have built a book of business that pays six figures in renewals. Which means they wake up January 1st, and barring a catastrophe, will make six figures without having to make a single sale for the year.

I realize that may be difficult to comprehend for someone who busts his butt working 40+ hours per week and is only making $55k. And I don't say that in a demeaning way. $55k is a respectable income. But I assure you, some don't work more than 15 hours per week on average. Sure there are weeks where they will work more. For example, AEP is about to start and those of us who work that market will be working 60-70 hours per week for almost 8 weeks. But after that, it's back to the 15 hour work week.
My Medicare supplement renewals are 23k per year and growing. That is in addition to new business of 55k, so I have no complaints. And I clearly stated that I only prospect 15 hours a week. I'm usually able to secure 8 to 10 appointments per week which accounts for another 10 or so hours so I don't bust my butt for 40 plus hours a week but between prospecting, travel time and actual appointment time I probably work 30 or so hours per week. I didn't come here for a pissing contest I'm happy for everyone that is doing well but please don't feel sorry for me and don't think I don't realize there are all sorts of different situations. I was merely trying to answer the person that started this thread with my perspective.
I primarily do individual ACA business and has been growing exponentially, yet so has my expenses. Now have 3 employees...

The good news is that I'm starting to see synergies, the bad news is that personally I'm not paying myself much more...but leaving more cash in the business. Not a bad problem to have though. I work literally 80 hours a week (7 days in Nov & Dec), but rest of the year is significantly more laid back.
100k within 2-5 years in my opinion


Hey guys I have some questions. I am a 9 year veteran who was a General Agent of a captive company. I am going Independent on both Insurance and Investments. I will be recruiting agents to work for me as well. I plan on writing life and disbility thru Pinney IMO

1st question is how do I set it up where I am the GA and guys are underneath me thru Pinney? What are the payouts and what is the best way in your opinion to structure it?

2nd question is how do you take applications with Pinney? I know you just submit a form and they do the rest but I am use to taking an application with my company and within a few short days/weeks knowing it got issued. I go ahead and take a draft with the application and they pick the draft day. With Pinney how does that work? It seems so different selling thru an IMO rather than one company. Can some explian the sales process?

3rd question is how to sell payroll deducted life insurance thru Pinney? I have alot of business' and goverment institutions that i sell life insurance with that are payroll deducted. How do I do that thru an IMO like Pinney?

Lastly I will be going INDY with a BD and want to set that up there i receive compensation from my advisors/agents as well.

Any info would be appreciated.