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How to handle sensitive info via telesales call

"So in order to quote you right , how would you pay for it each month. Most people like to do a check by phone and have it come out automatically each month. Is that what you want to do?" I would just suggest bringing it up early in the conversation long before you really need the info so it shouldn't surprise them any when get to that point later on.

I like that. That's a good addition to this conversation.
Somarco and NewbieNewbie, thank you for the insights. I live is a different state so can't meet in a different place but not a bad idea otherwise. Newbie, I didn't think I was nervous but maybe she's picking up on something I'm not even aware of. The subconscious is a funny thing.

Awesome thing is you are owning it which in my opinion means you can and will overcome it. Will it never happen again, of course not, will it happen less frequently, I bet it will.
NewbieNewbie, thank you for the vote of confidence! :)

theinsuranceman, wow, thank you I'm totally going to use that next time if/when it comes up, sounds like a great plan. You've been doing telesales since '05? Guessing you are probably one of the few doing it that long, very inspiring!

Lawsonhj1, that also sounds like a great idea and ties in well with what insuranceman said, using the 2 together if even necessary could eliminate the issue altogether.

Samarco, yowza that last one was quite the, er, passionate response! :D

Appreciate you guys and thanks again for all the insights!
You are welcome. A ton of agents come on this board looking for validation. You were not and that is admirable, and a good trait in this business. I have been selling over the phone for ten years. I am pretty good at what I do, but I'll be damned if I don't pick up a nugget or two every single day from somewhere. If I make it too year twenty I might know the difference between my ass and a hole in the ground. On second thought probably not and I am good with that. But I won't stop asking questions.
Thank you NewbieNewbie, I really appreciate your kindness, candor and humility! So you've been at this 10 years...is it not time to change your handle??
Thank you NewbieNewbie, I really appreciate your kindness, candor and humility! So you've been at this 10 years...is it not time to change your handle??
Nope, maybe at year 25. You are on the right path brother or sister. People like you can make a career out of this.
Wow, year 25..I've got a ways to go! I can only hope to follow in my grandfather's footsteps, Fred Berger, he was the top insurance salesman for 35 years with Prudential, won 1st place for every contest they ever held, had a room filled with the pics of he and my grandmother on all the trips to Acapulco and the like. Occasionally he'd take me door knocking and I got to watch him in action. I'll admit he was pretty hard sell and I think the selling game has evolved since then so my style is different (Claude Diamond is my sales mentor). Never thought I'd be excited to sell life insurance but oddly I am, and glad to have found this forum with good people like yourself to learn from and banter with.

P.S. I'm a sister