How To Psych Yourself Up To Prospect

What if you love the job of helping people with your products but hate the calling? Maybe the book would help those people.
What if you love the job of helping people with your products but hate the calling? Maybe the book would help those people.

I have always made calling a contest between me and the person who answers the phone. The challenge is for me to control the conversation and get the information I'm after without letting them take control away from me by saying "I'm not interested".

Looking at it that way makes it a lot less painful.
I can motivate myself to do 25 hardcore calling hours per week.

I just barricade myself in my office @ 9am and warm up by calling my "warmest leads/contacts/referrals" first until I work my way up to "cold calls". I really just enjoy telling my story to prospects.
The realization that the first 2-3 calls per day are allways the hardest... period! That's been a fact for every salesperson forever. Getting started daily is the toughest. No matter what I did yesterday or today... tomorrow morning will be tough as usual. Get past that third call and it's all down hill.
I have been doing this going on 25 years and I have some days where prospecting is not as enjoyable as other days. I would also venture to say there is probably not a person on this forum that doesn't experience the same. What bothers me is there is always a few here that give the impression they are above it all and have to belittle others and IMO that is just wrong and uncalled for.
I think Frank and Al, trying to be tongue in cheek, have hit on a major part of motivation.

It's not books, seminars,'s a combination of natural drive combined with sheer fear that you'll be broke; having to report back to the wife "sorry, no pay this week."

I actually don't understand how some of these married guys get away with it. I'll hear "I've been at this for 2 months and only written a few deals."

Wow, God bless your situation at home. My wife would have been like "WHAT? You've worked HOW many hours and make HOW much???" It also wouldn't be rude for her to be like that. I have a responsiblity to provide for my family. I either man up or get a salary.
I'm afraid somebody will cut me off in mid-sentence, and rudely tell me they are NOT INTERESTED!:mad:What if the next one just blurts out...NO! GO AWAY! Then that will put a knot on my head, and make me hesitant to call the next one...Then I will just go pay $500 for a 1000 pc. mailer trying to duck the "work/rejection" thing. But, OH NO! Then when I get the card back I'm faced with calling them anyway.:shocked:
Oh me Oh my,......NOW I'm faced with telling
my "wife":policeman:!!

Got to get back to honing my stay at home dad skills. Maybe no more nshonce for me.
I love prospecting. It is like fishing to me. I have to try different locations and different baits all the time. Sometimes, I get nothing and sometimes, I get a big fish. But on Avg, I always have enough to eat.

I've always been good at just talking with people. I can walk up to anyone and just start talking about anything. Everyone has a story to listen to and most people love to talk.
To your question:

Be passionate about what you are going to discuss.

Know why you are calling. Know who you are calling (people who are busy conducting business, who don't necessarily put what you are offering as a top priority).

Be able to use an economy of words to get them to engage, and begin to give you some attention. (talk to people in the tone, volume, style and pace with which you would like to be spoken to)

Be more interested in THEM, rather than what you have to offer them.

Realize that NO sometimes means NO. (move on)

Be comfortable. Dress casual/professional.

Take copious notes after every discussion.

Every twenty minutes or so, stretch and get some air.

Hope this helps.