How Will Google+/+1 Effect SEO Rankings?

What are your thoughts about Google+ and Google+1. Google+1 is like Facebook's "Like" button, but it's ranking how popular a website is by people clicking the button. The buttons are all over this forum if you haven't noticed.

Goggle+ is Google's answer to Facebook's social networking platform.

Some SEO articles are predicting Google's new attempt to successfully enter social networking will change SEO as we know it today.

Any thoughts, insights?
I think one thing that might start happening, which would be harder for seo's - is for google +1 to create more customized rankings.

In other words - What I see when I search for "final expense" will be different from what you see based on your +1's, and searching habits.

That's where search is moving - to use ai to guess what you the user want to find before you even look for it.