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How's your agency doing?

Hi, Everyone! and good afternoon!

I joined these forums exactly a year ago. I came here looking for advice and input from actual insurance agents, on how to be heard - (I work with agencies by helping them capture local business, organically) and I was struggling to get people to even hear what I had to say.

The advice was amazing, and literally changed our approach which in turn changed the year for my whole team, prior to taking the advice given from many of you here we were really struggling to break through, so thank you!

Besides, to say thanks for the 2nd time since that encounter, I'm returning because We've recently started using different analysis tools and they're so much more informative. These new analysis tools give you a solid visual of what your agency looks like when compared head-to-head with competitors in your area. Now we literally take the top agencies in a certain area, place them head to head, and show which agency dominates in what areas (areas meaning appearing, traffic, conversions, relevancy, overall local presence).

I'd like to have our guys put an analysis together for a handful of you here and show you how your agency looks in the eyes of your community, compared to your competitors. After showing your head-to-head analysis - we'll tell you exactly how you can change it for the better. If you're in the top 5 we'll show you exactly how to get to #1, if you're not even breaking the top 10 we'll show you how to achieve #1.

When I say show you how to get there, I'm not trying to sell you anything. We'll show you, and offer our advice throughout the whole process while you make the necessary changes to become the #1 agency. Obviously, if you wanted us to take care of it we'd love that too. But if you feel you've got the time/work ethic needed to do the work, we'll have all the answers on how to get there.

Right now I could safely commit to putting 5 analyses together, so let me know asap and we'll get to work on these reports today!

I attached a screenshot of one report, so you can see how we place the agencies head-to-head. This report covers an 81-square-mile radius. Each star represents 1 square mile, the number inside the star represents how your agency ranks up in that square mile. A lot of people think they're dominating their district because they're ranking up at the top in a 2-mile square radius of their agency. This report shows you just how wrong you more than likely are.

Also, we have an average success rate of getting 4-6 people a week to reach out about purchasing a policy. That's 20+ a month, unbelievable.

Thanks, everyone!


  • LCreport.png
    567.8 KB · Views: 20
"Everyone, who did not see this sales pitch originally from a guy with ten posts in one year, or did but rolled their eyes at it. Take another look! Bump"

I'm sorry if I rubbed you the wrong way. I've tried to be as upfront and not hide a single thing with any post/comments I've made. There isn't some secret catch, or an "I got you!!" attached to my post at all. It's exactly like I laid it out to be, we'll throw a super detailed analysis together that's loaded with a ton of quality information.

What you do with this analysis is all on you, and I even stated the area in which we DO benefit from doing this work, and that is if you decide to utilize us to fix any issues discovered with your current standings, that is how we stay in business.

I also stated that we're more than willing to just be a resource to you while you address this approach on your own if you couldn't afford to invest anything into marketing, but still wanted to bring in organic business.

If you're insulting the fact that I work for a living, and have to generate prospects like a huge majority of the working world, then I'm sorry for you? That would really suck to be so narrow-minded that you get bothered by legitimate efforts to grow.
"Everyone, who did not see this sales pitch originally from a guy with ten posts in one year, or did but rolled their eyes at it. Take another look! Bump"

Out of curiosity, I started looking at your background and I found this piece you wrote, and I love it. It's a super well-written, honest, fact of work life. So for what it's worth, props to you on this well-written and inspirational post.

[EXTERNAL LINK] - A Bump in My Career Path- Dear Millennials
Jake, I am no offended! I get worked up over very little. I hope I did not work you up, But I think I did. But I like your ingenuity!

A small word of advice, if you spend more time giving to the Forums, these posts are received better. or better yet, you get folks to tell other folks you are the guy who can...."You only get what you give" Give the Forums some attention and love! Don' come back in another year and offer the same pitch.

Help people over the course of the year, ask the right questions. Help folks think about the things you think about. Or respond and help people who are asking about the problems you resolve.

Go Utes! Graduated from U of U!
Out of curiosity, I started looking at your background and I found this piece you wrote, and I love it. It's a super well-written, honest, fact of work life. So for what it's worth, props to you on this well-written and inspirational post.

[EXTERNAL LINK] - A Bump in My Career Path- Dear Millennials

Thanks! I am not an A- hole, although, I think I came off as one! Come on the forums 2x a week and look for people asking questions that revolve around your expertise, then engage, not with the intent to sell, but to help; then you'll sell.