I'm Punting My Local BGA, Need Some Feedback

When I first read and bookmarked this forum thread a few years ago I had been a wholesaler for almost 15 years representing Pacific Life, Penn Mutual and Minnisota Life. I was intreged by the sentiments expressed on this forum thread since I had observed some of the inner workings of many BGAs and IMOs. I had became good friends with many individuals of these firms and grew to respect their extensive experiences and vast knowledge of the industry. I helped them design cases, provided product information and marketing materials to support their agents. I never could have thought I'd ever work on that side of the business. But never say never.

A couple years later after much contemplation I joined a BGA firm and quickly experienced a surprprizing realization that the insurance world was even bigger and challenging than I ever imagined in those ivory towered home office walls. I was not only working with advisors like I had before but now I was competing in a universe of other BGAs and IMOs claiming essentially the same "value propositions" and "top carrier contracts." What unique value can I provide agents that would help them and their businesses become the best they can be? What would make their lives and the lives of their staff better? What would distinguish me and my talents appealing enough to agents that they would keep them coming back for more?

Well, initially it didn't take long before I became overwhelmed whit finding a solution. But because I am my father's son I was reminded of two simple bits of wisdom:

1. A great foolball coach said to his team behind at halftime: "Men, forget trying a lot of fancy plays. It all comes down to this one simple thing - take this ball across that goal line and do it more than our opponent."

2. We have two ears and one mouth. Use them in the proportion.

That's what I want to do for the advisors I serve.

How can I reach you to see if our company would be a good fit? Could you provide the name of your company/BGA? Please