Some NY Life info

The Variable Loan Interest Rate on Whole Life products has decreased from 6.20% to 5.33% effective April 1st and will remain at that rate at least through June. The May 31st ending value for the applicable Moody's rate will determine if interest rates are changed for July-September. You may want to reconsider re-running any recent illustrations that show any loans coming from the policy.

· The Premium Deposit Account rate is decreasing in May. Through April, we have a 12% enhanced rate for the first year, followed by 6% in subsequent years for clients who pre-fund at least four years of future premiums. On 5/1, these rates will decrease to 10% and 5%, respectively. The PDA is used to fund a Custom Whole Life, Custom Survivorship Whole Life, Secure Wealth Plus, VUL Accumulator II, or Market Wealth Plus policy in a lump sum without creating a modified endowment contract. The PDA interest is applied to premiums to reduce the client's out-of-pocket costs. Rates are locked in at the time the policy is issued and are not based on the application date.

The drop on the interest rate is interesting. It is a big drop.
The PDA interest rate was expected, the initial rates were teaser rates, now that the product is a little established, take it away.

The drop in whole life could have lots of factors, however, I agree its unusual in size. My guess is that high loan rate was causing more and early lapses than they were expecting so lowering the loan rate will extend how long some whole life policies will stay on the books. The longer they stay on the books, more insurance premium can be collected on them. This is my educated guess. As for future sales, I would presume it makes no difference, who buys WL based on what current loan interest rate is. Most of NY Life agents dont understand the loan rate is variable to begin with. It should not make a difference in any future sales. Again personal guess.