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Insurance is a Scam

car insurance is were he wants to go....fine...my son bought a used F150 a year later to the date gets t boned by a moron running a flashing yellow when my son had a protected left....insurance company totaled it and cut a $34,000 to the lender.....and the gap insurance paid the rest.....now.....lets talk about Health insurance and the $250,000 hospital bill I got for having twins.........
It's just a scam that dumbasses such as this moron find a soapbox in order to spout their nonsense. I pay $300 per month to insure my home. If it burns my scam insurance company will rebuild it to as new so that it keeps its value of over $1.3 M and replace what is inside. My scam auto insurer will take my money each month and pay the person I hit in order to repair their auto and body, along with reparing my vehicle. His scenario $200/month paid in for 5 years or $12000, repairs his vehicle, the one he hit, and the injuries to the person his dumbass ran into. But that doesn't fit his story. And don't get me started on the scam of life insurance......
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What do you keep inside it? gold bars?
Those are excluded.

I was waiting for his mom to yell out, "breakfast is ready"!

Additionally this indviduals story about his father in laws truck and his claim has more holes in it than Swiss Cheese.

And in the next episdoe of Its Just a Scam - How this Youtube Video is Feeding you More BS than real information. We won't bother you with actual details and actual information, just hearsay.
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Whenever I encounter people who say “iNsuRaNce iS a ScAm,” my response is always simple……”Fair enough, then just cancel all your insurances and rawdog life. Let me know how that eventually works out for you.” Insurance is one of the cheapest investments you can make to protect yourself in life. Intelligent people are well-insured. It’s a consistent theme I’ve found throughout my life and career. The problem is, this country’s IQ levels have taken a huge dip over the past decade.
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