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Insurance is a Scam

If his parents could have bought insurance to make sure he was out of their house at 18, pretty sure they wouldn't have called it a scam. Now they are stuck with him in the basement until at least age 40.

His [insurance] intelligence is second only to [some/many/most] influencers' intelligence.

For the more recent generations, feelings play too much of a role in rational decisions.

Anytime folks start on the "insurance is a ripoff" or "insurance is a scam" tirade, I start telling them stories of clients who would have lost everything but for their insurance coverage. No doubt many in this forum have those stories after years of writing insurance.

Then I go on to tell them that the only reason this world functions is because there is insurance. Imagine a world where everyone had to pay cash for their home. Most would never buy a home.

Yeah, insurance is a scam. Right. Not even worth trying to prove intelligent things to dumb these days. You need to know when to walk away.
Ok, ok I watched the first so many seconds... to painful to listen to the rest. :wacko:

Where did this young adult get his education... obviously he as no clue of risk. What school system failed him? Are we producing more like him?

Dang... what a cup of coffee and a 30 minute conversation with this dude would do to help him see his world a bit different. Maybe just a quick drive out to his local cemetery might answer some questions he has never formulated.
  1. Are we producing more like him?
  2. Dang... what a cup of coffee and a 30 minute conversation with this dude would do to help him see his world a bit different.
1. - Yes
2. - You're not likely to change his mind no matter how many facts and logical arguments you make. I have met others like him.
Why do some folks enjoy being lied to?

I'm afraid that there are far more like him who vote. :sad:

You can have your own opinions, but when it comes to the facts... no one owns them... they just are.

In my opinion, it's not that they like being lied to; it's that they pick and choose information to fit their narrative. You can find "truth" in whatever narrative suits you. If you think insurance is a scam, there is plenty of information to reinforce that view, if that's all you're looking for.

In the age of free speech and the widest access to information in history, it is amazing that people choose to have strong, uninformed opinions. Maybe it's a symptom of having access to too much information for human brains to filter.

"In the digital age, everyone withdraws into their own small gated community, afraid of a larger forum. They stay inside their little ponds, leaking whatever "truth" suits them into the growing cesspool of society at large. The different cardinal truths neither clash nor mesh. No one is invalidated"
I can agree with you to a point, but...

You can find "truth" in whatever narrative suits you.

...this is where we may part a bit. "Truth" is truth or it is not. You might call me someone who believes in absolutes. What you want to believe or think, or how you feel about something really has very little bearing on the thing itself.

I do feel sorry for folks like this. We've coddled thinking of this sort for far too long, and the net result is a society that we see today.

Oops, gotta go, our local PTA is hosting a couple of drag queens at our elementary school. I don't want to miss out, I've got front row seats. :twitchy:
"Truth" is truth or it is not. You might call me someone who believes in absolutes. What you want to believe or think, or how you feel about something really has very little bearing on the thing itself.

I do feel sorry for folks like this. We've coddled thinking of this sort for far too long, and the net result is a society that we see today.

Oops, gotta go, our local PTA is hosting a couple of drag queens at our elementary school. I don't want to miss out, I've got front row seats. :twitchy:

Sorry you have front row seats to that lol!

I agree with you, truth is truth and facts are facts, but trying to convince others of that is something else entirely. Judging by your post, you're just as aware of it as I am. The truth of biology and sex is surely more concrete than any truth that can be found within insurance, and yet we can't even get people to agree on that.