InsureMe's new "pick how many a**wipes will bug your client" plan...

Patch or others,

Can you help me out here. Was not aware that Insureme had medicare leads. How so?



Alright well, as Getrude Stein said about Oakland, California "The problem is there is no there, there."

Should anyone have any info and the spirit moves you to respond please comment. Otherwise the idea of insureme offering medicare leads does not make sense to me, yet.

What sayeth thee Patch?

Patch or others,

Can you help me out here. Was not aware that Insureme had medicare leads. How so?


They offer leads for age 64 and older. That basically becomes Medicare leads.

Out of about $600 of leads (at $7 each) I have placed 6 MA plans at $600 each and 2 med supps. Also have gathered a few names to call later.

Even if all bought Med Supps, my total return would have been about $2,000 for $600 cost.

They offer leads for age 64 and older. That basically becomes Medicare leads.

Out of about $600 of leads (at $7 each) I have placed 6 MA plans at $600 each and 2 med supps. Also have gathered a few names to call later.

Even if all bought Med Supps, my total return would have been about $2,000 for $600 cost.


Okay thanks. That makes sense that over 65 becomes largely medicare. Problem is, I spoke directly with Insureme about this about a year ago (I use them for life but dont do health other than medicare) and they said that you could set the filter for 50+ but not older than that and that there could be some medicare eligible in with that obviously. I went in another direction and never played with the health lead filters after that.

Thanks. I will take a look and see what is what. I dont know whether there has been a change or if I just ended out whereever one predictably ends out when they rely on a tele-dodo rather than digging another level. My question to them could not have been more clear though.
