Internet Leads...


I know everyone's opinions of internet life leads - but since I have them... I was wondering if anyone uses them successfully. I am getting some weekly (not nearly enough, but can't afford more) and not getting anywhere. Either I get yelled at, ignored, blown off - or they want to do an ap "tomorrow at 7" - then I am never able to reach them again... dang caller id.

Any advice would be appreciated.
I only cold call Stan But the few times that I have done internet leads or direct mail I would physically go see them w/o calling and I had @ best marginal success. I figure since I pay dearly for direct mail or internet leads I have the right to go see them. If they don't want to see someone then don't send your address with your name and #.
Well most of the people I am getting are in NC or OH. I just am not having ANY luck. I understand the fact that not every lead is a sale, of course, but I'd like to have the opportunity to at very least speak with a person and not an answering machine. I signed on with this company because they specialize in internet life sales. It's disheartening in my first week alone that I feel like I am chasing everybody - when is enough, enough? Ya know?
NC and Ohio!! pretty big area to cover lol. I guess I am just too old fashioned, I call a bunch of people, get more no's than yes's but get enough yes's to go out and see the next day and hopefully sell a percentage. I gave up on the "lead corps" a long time ago.
99% of all people typing in their info to get a quote actually things they're gonna see quotes - like Priceline or Ehealthinsurance. When they don't see quotes obviously you can imagine they're frustrated. That doesn't mean you won't get a sale, but you are indeed catching them off-guard when you call them.

If all internet leads sites put a disclaimer that they would be called by an agent after typing in their info the entire lead industry would be out of business tomorrow morning.
precisely the reason I don't waste my time or resources with them but I am in Senior sales so my attitude toward them may be slanted.
I've had reasonable success with internet leads. Done right, the ROI is there. Personally though, I have found I have to be in the right mood, and be one of the first calling, or you'll never get an answer. That 'first calling' thing is why I've pretty much given up on internet leads :( It ties you to your desk to much for my liking.

I've had the least luck with the big boys for lead providers, such as netquote, insureme, etc. I know people who swear by them though, and make a decent living using them.

I've also had the least luck with internet leads for life insurance, compared to any other type of internet insurance lead. Well, I shouldn't say that, I closed a deal once, except it wasn't for life insurance. The lead was, I ended up getting the home and auto, not the life.

My best closing ratio for internet leads? Single guys, mid 30's/ 40's, trying to insure a beater auto with liability only. Of course, this is a losing money proposition, the lead probably cost as much as the commission, but it's a close :)

The problem with internet life leads? People just heard a commercial that they can get $1,000,000 life insurance for $10 a month, and want to see what they can get. They are only tire kickers, not usually seriously committed to buying or even seriously shopping. With auto and home policy leads, at least half the leads are seriously shopping.

With life insurance, there is no immediate problem they are trying to solve. It's a long term sale. Take those leads, put them on a tickler file, send them information on a regular basis, and you'll close a few over time.

In the mean time, if you can, if you aren't having success with a lead source, stop it. Don't let them keep billing you. It's not you, it's them.

I have bought Internet leads for about seven years (predominantly health). 90% of the leads live in Ohio (the other 10% in Pa).

I'm pretty happy with the results that I have gotten over the years. Perhaps one advantage is that I am located in Ohio and my office has 700 employees and we are well known in the area.

As for the rest of the State...I always tell my prospects to check the caller ID, and if they don't recognize the area code, do not give out any information. I hammer home the fact that we are located in Ohio and are more familiar with the area and than any out-of state agent.

I suppose that only makes a difference to some, but I mention it in every email and phone call.

The big problem in Ohio is that rates are very low and many of the respondents are single and under the age of 40.

For that reason, I have increased the marketing to small businesses (John has been a big help in this area). And of course, I let those business owners know where I am located and where I have lived and worked for the last 26 years!

Sorry to digress. I guess my point is that Internet leads have been profitable. You just need to be low key, direct and a good listener.
As for the rest of the State...I always tell my prospects to check the caller ID, and if they don't recognize the area code, do not give out any information. I hammer home the fact that we are located in Ohio and are more familiar with the area and than any out-of state agent.

What do you say to the people who you call out your state then ;)
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