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Is Anyone Starting to Get a Strange Feeling

I have not had that feeling.
I have been hammering the carriers with high claims business. A lot of dependents that can't be declined that will have high claims. It does not matter anymore.

Starting in October it's going to get crazy. I think by July we should know where we stand from a comp standpoint inside and out side the exchange.

The first couple of years the carriers will need us to send business to them. I don't think you will be selling just the benefits of the plan.You will have to sell all of the perks that come along with that carrier.
allen, humana notified underwriters that changes were coming in October I think was the date. I was told more than a few walked. some were relocated to other positions. if they quit b4 the drop dead date then no severance would be paid.

with these changes they informed me that underwriting times had grinded to a slow stall.

this procedural move will or has taken place with all companies...

TaterPeeler, Thank-you for the explanation about what's going on at Humana. No wonder apps are just setting there waiting for an underwriter to look at them.

At least AETNA is showing some signs of life today. They declined a 58 year-old healthy applicant because he hadn't had a physical in 2 years. But they approved a 5'11" 45yo male who weighs 310 pounds, with nothing more than the tele interview. Thanks goodness we're multi-company brokers.
I think most if not all of the agents on the health insurance related forums are independent. In AZ there are 6 major carriers for IFP and group, and I'm licensed with them all.