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Is Christmas time a feast or famine?


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
This is my first holiday season in the business. Does business always just draaaag during the Christmas season?

A lot of people I talk to tell me, "we will talk after the first of the year" or "maybe the beginning of next year."

Many of my appointments end up with "we want to get that policy, but money will be too tight until the beginning of the year."

Is there any way I can over come this?
I'm sure I can say something like, "Providing gifts for Christmas is great, but isn't providing for your family in the long term more important." I haven't used this, but I have a feeling it wouldn't make any difference and maybe even be offensive to some.

So, is this time of year always slow?

Does it actually get better the first of the year, or is it just a convenient "put-off?"

I'm trying to look at myself like a farmer: Planting the seeds now to be harvested in January. Am I setting myself up for disappointment?
After 16 Xmas in the biz...I can tell you this...it depends....on what you're doing that is.

I'm personally having my best December in many moons and suns.

You can try that "...isn't protecting your family more important..." crap, but it doesn't work.

It's WANT vs. NEED. Do they "need" the insurance? Of course. Do they "want" more Xmas presents for the kids? Absolutely.

Which do you think will be their short-term priority?

I'd use the time wisely to plant seeds. In my experience the January-April period is always the best for any kind of financial services.

Good luck.
Chances are you will expend three times the energy for a quarter of the results. The holidays are the holidays, make time to enjoy them yourself. Workwise, time to catch up on professional readings, tax prep, client communications and all that other stuff that doesn't make you money,but helps you make money...If the fish ain't hitting the line, time to service the gear...
"premium financing for their life policy"

I'm almost afraid to ask what that is...but go ahead and tell me. I am curious.

a lender will pay the premiums for a contracted period of time (usually between 2-10 yrs)

most people that do it are high net worth people that are not liquid enough to pay for their needed policy
Last Dec I submitted 15 health apps. It was a very good month for me . . .

This included apps submitted on 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 28 & 29.

So far this December I have submitted 6 apps.

All 6 have been approved including one to Humana earlier today approved in 33 minutes.

I don't expect to continue at this pace but if it happens I will not be sad.
If I was doing major medical, it might not be so bad. It would be easy to say, "hey, since money is tight, isn't it time to start saving?" if I was doing major med.

However, my portfolio consists of life products, supplemental health (not Medicare), and annuities.

I've been captive with this company for about 8 weeks now. I've brought in some business here and there, and it was really starting to get rolling. Lately though, it seems like the wind has dropped out of the sails. I've got only so long to "validate" my contract (basically prove I was at least worth my salary) or I get "dismissed." I'm just worrying that these next 2 or 3 weeks are going to eat time.
If I was doing major medical, it might not be so bad. It would be easy to say, "hey, since money is tight, isn't it time to start saving?" if I was doing major med.

However, my portfolio consists of life products, supplemental health (not Medicare), and annuities.

I've been captive with this company for about 8 weeks now. I've brought in some business here and there, and it was really starting to get rolling. Lately though, it seems like the wind has dropped out of the sails. I've got only so long to "validate" my contract (basically prove I was at least worth my salary) or I get "dismissed." I'm just worrying that these next 2 or 3 weeks are going to eat time.
I'm new to the business to and have been getting the same messages selling supplementals with the Duck. Once. November came it went dry.
December is on track to be our busiest month in our company history.

It depends on what and how you are selling.

Individual Health you should have no problems - we are swamped.