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Is Individual Health Market Toast?

Daschle has withdrawn his nomination and it was accepted by Obama.

The tax thing is important, no doubt, but the thing that concerns me more is that anybody that would wear those stupid lookin' round, red glasses ought to have their frickin' head examined. Brutal.

Perhaps there were additional skeletons in the closet that he didn't want to risk coming out?
Yea, Daschle is GAY, that is the other skeleton thats still in his closet.
LOL Ron White!

The individual market will definitely shrink. If people making less than $80K qualify for it and their kids can stay on their parents plan until age 28. Yeah, it may be here, but there may not be any agents selling it. My guess would be that the companies will go all direct with no commissions paid to agents since their number of clients will also shrink.
By the way, I don't want to sell to seniors...so lets leave that market out of this discussion.

Sell DI but, sell is the operative word. Just like LI a lot of people don't think it's important... until they need it, so you do need to sell it. It's still an untapped market, but, in order of importance, to me at least, it comes before paying medical bills.

If the government socialized? medicine tomorrow and there were no medical bills people still need MONEY to live on. Just ask people, if you're sick or injured and can't work, which is more important- paying medical bills or paying for your food, shelter and clothing?

Medical insurance originally was major medical, for catastrophic illnesses and injuries and then only for certain illnesses. It's only in the the last 50 years that major medical has included doctors visits, etc. But I digress, the DI market(group and individual) coupled with ROP will still be there even if the health market goes away. It does tend to seperate the order takers from the sales people though.
AHCP, HCO & others post sales results. When you see the monthly totals decline and leads dry up you'll know it is time to sell apples.:err:
They are not even close to paying for the majority.

SCHIP is a joke and is my biggest concern this ridiculous COBRA subsidy that will erode group plans nationwide.

The individual market is not going anywhere.

The agent could get cut out or reduced at some point if we have national guaranteed issue, but that has not happened either.

We could also get hit by an asteroid or alien invasion tomorrow as well - who knows.

Yes - well out here in CALI - we're broke! Wondering how all these newly minted unemployed folks are gunna even have cobra, when the state unemplyment and other stuff shuts down. We cant pay for it all.

Gunna get interestin' real quick!

Chumps in Washington should have just given us all the 2.8 trillion or whatver its up to now to stimulate the economy. Only thing these tards are stimulating is .... oh nevermind :goofy: