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Is it worth it?

Transitioning from law enforcement to insurance. That can be a challenge. Selling intangibles, particularly life insurance, is tough for anyone.

What you have is a concept sale. You are selling folks access to money they may never need. In the case of life insurance, it is money they will (most likely) never see.

In your case, remember the line attributed to John Dillinger. You get much further with a gun and a smile than just a smile alone.

Asking someone to sign for a traffic ticket is a bit easier than asking them to sign an application for insurance.
Like any other career this field has it's highs and lows. It also has many people who complain, many who do not.

I think in general you are dealing with very high energy people, who for the most part really want to be successful. Regardless of what you see here, I would have you ask the following question of yourself.

1. How important is it for you to be successful?
2. What motivates you?
3. What was the main reason you decided to follow this career?
4. How tough skinned are you?

Once you answer these questions I have a few pieces of advice.

1. Surround yourself with other Agents that are positive. The worse thing that you can do in the beginning is hang around complainers, for the first few years, this job can be very stressful, and if you do not stay positive it is hard to do well. It is easy to let people get you down when they are complaining about the business.

2. Realise that there is opportunity everywhere. If all of the other Agents that you talk to are complaining, or are negative that means that they are not producing at their best, and you have an opportunity to take more business.

3. In reply to the comment that we are about as lived as Lawyers: When I started in this business I was asked by my sister "Why are you going to be an Agent, they are all liars and cheats?" My answer was simple, they are not all liars and cheats, but if they were that would be an even better reason to do this. By people having that idea in their heads, it makes it ever easier for my Agency to shine, and for us to win their business and keep it.

4. And this is the most important thing of all. This business is not easy, if it was everyone would be doing it. The really successful people of this world look for the hard things, do them and do them well.

I feel great every day knowing that I am doing right by my clients. I guide them towards better protecting their families and I can sleep good at night knowing that I am making their lives more secure. I love finding that person that speaks badly of agents, calling us liars, cheats and the sorts because that usually ends up being my best client.

You need to find a company to work for that allows you to sell value, not price. Dont be a used car salesman or you will be treated like one, and you will feel like one. Be a cousultant, help people better their lives and protect their assets, do that and you will make tons of money, and feel great every day.

LOL, New jersey does not require signatures on summons issued. I have never asked anyone to sign for a summons, that only invites a argument which could get out of control real quick. I personally would not want to sign for a summons. The person is already aggravated for getting the summons and now requesting a signature is only pouring salt on the wound. That being said, thanks to all of you for the feedback on my posts. I didn't realize what a response I would receive. All of your advise is appreciated. I look forward to the change in careers and the flexibility it offers, thanks again.
Oh yeah,

You will never be successful if you are not properly insured yourself. If you are selling life insurance, but you do not have enough, then all that you are doing is passing off something that you truly do not believe in.

Take a good look at your current insurance coverage and determine if it is truly what you need. If you do not have enough why? If the answer is because you can not afford it, I would suggest that you can not afford to not buy more.

You will be amazed how much easier it is, and how much more you will sell when you truly have a belief in the product. For life insurance as an example: If you are just selling the product it is very easy to feel that you are just selling something, and you will take no for an answer. If you "catch the insurance feaver" you will truly have a belief for the product, and the prospect will be able to tell. You will insist that they have insurance because it is the right thing, and you will sell much more, and feel great about doing so.

Thanks NWInsurance, everything you said made sense. I am motivated. I look forward to my first satisfied client, not for the money but for the satisfaction that I made the difference for someone and just one contract would prove I'm on the road to a new future. How important is success? Very important. When I do something, I want to be good at what I do, not just get by. I don't mean getting by financially, I mean I don't want to just get by falling into a routine. I've dealt with people in all walks of life and I'm not afraid of setbacks or dissappointments. Thats life.
Thanks, Yeah I know some states do ask for signatures. Thats absolutely ridiculous. People have lost their lives fighting over a parking spot. An MV stop can get ugly real quick, so asking an angry motorist to sign a summons is looking for things to escalate.
GUARANTEED ISSUE - This is only in about 5-6 ultra liberal states. They think offering insurance to "all" regardless of Health conditions, sometimes regardless of age is the best approach.

A lot of this is political, but the short answer is GI DOES NOT work, agents (if there are any) are hardly if ever commissioned it is very low and essentially this is big government over regulation and over ride of FREE MARKET - which is what America is all about.

GI may have been well intended but this is a HUGE failure spun the wrong way.

Indeed, I am in a guaranteed issue state and am not involved in the individual health- non-medicare market. It is dominated by Blue Cross with no competition and even they teeter about getting out. Rates are so high that the healthy people who would otherwise be able to afford insurance and subsidize the somewhat sicker ones just decide to go without insurance and everyone loses. I have no idea how an agent would make it in a GI state or why they would even bother. It doesnt work. Doesnt matter whether one is liberal or conservative. Simply doesnt work. It certainly is no way to get more people covered. It is only a way to get more sick people covered who would not otherwise be. If a goal of liberalism is to get everyone in, that aint it.

Yea, NJ is pretty much the joke of jokes when it comes to health insurance, even KY seen their way thru it and ended GI. Yet NJ still insist upon it even though it is a proven failure. Well, what can we expect from such a State that would elect the likes of Corzine?

As my father states, his children should be thankful that he moved us out back in '72. So what part of the State are you from? I was raised in Highlands NJ, have pleasent memories. Went back once, and it isn't what it use to be!
a way to get more sick people covered

Beg to differ.

GI states do indeed extend the possibility of coverage to everyone, but at a price that is (generally) 2x -3x what is would be otherwise.

So how is this any different from states with a risk pool or other provisions for those who are considered uninsurable?

If the cost of health insurance is unaffordable then what has been accomplished?


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