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Is it worth it?

I imagine a big independent agency in your area might be an option. Getting the proper training is tantamount to getting off to a good start in this business.

These two statements I agree with strongly!!! I have been in the business for almost 2yrs now (career change too). I started with an unmotivated, 30yrs+, veteran agent that works for a large branded company and my personal training was NIL. I was only taught the ropes of the corporation and their ways of marketing, which has been beneficial for operations and prospecting. Fortunately, I am now working with an independent agency and feel like I can breathe. However, my lack of "field" training is becoming more and more obvious as my book of business is a slow grow (currently P&C only, but have L&H license too) since I haven't been in the "trenches" to fully know what and how to go about growing my book. I have been a sponge, on these forums for all around ideas. This has been a great source for motivation and prospecting tips!!

By the way...This is a great business to be in!! BOB THE INSURANCE GUY says it best in his post!!!

J. Marty M.
Yea, NJ is pretty much the joke of jokes when it comes to health insurance, even KY seen their way thru it and ended GI. Yet NJ still insist upon it even though it is a proven failure. Well, what can we expect from such a State that would elect the likes of Corzine?

As my father states, his children should be thankful that he moved us out back in '72. So what part of the State are you from? I was raised in Highlands NJ, have pleasent memories. Went back once, and it isn't what it use to be!
Thanks for all the feedback from everyone, I'm really glad I found this site. As to your question, I'm near Long Beach Island (LBI) Exit 63 off the Garden State Parkway next to Barnegat at the Jersey Shore.
It looks like Reliable and Monumental may be licensed in NJ, if you want to go see an office full of life ins guys, go there and interview. They are old school. Get to meet those guys, if you want some perspective on old school life ins sales, from career guys doing it for ten or twenty years.