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Is Lee @ Customized Quote Dead?

There is definitely an art to getting the client to come out with their current policy. I usually get a variety of excuses like, "I'd have to look for it," or "My daughter keeps all of my papers in a safe deposit box." I think a lot of times they have a feeling that the coverage is not what they think it is, and are simply not wanting to face the issue and contemplate making a change on something that they've spent years of time and money on. They could of course also know that they don't have any current in force coverage and don't want to be embarrassed.
I know, but this was a bit different. They weren't trying to blow me off by saying that. They were genuinely interested and did buy. They kept asking how I found out about them. I told them I got the info from Scott but that he had gotten it from their internet inquiry.

Scott had talked to one of them previously. They both said they hadn't spoken to Scott either. He said she must have, she said he must have.:laugh:

I didn't ask Scott which one he spoke to. They told Scott they were well taken care of and didn't need to talk to anyone else and wouldn't schedule with him.

That's why he sent it to me and said to DK it and not call. He said he was sure there was a sale there if you talked to them in person. I DK'ed them a month ago and they weren't home. Caught them at home this time. He was right. They were very receptive to talking about it. He had a MoO GI and didn't know it was ROP. She had a Globe term that she thought was whole life.

They just insisted that they had not been on line in any form or fashion.

They had to have been since all the info was correct. Including his email.

I told everyone fex headquarters hands you out free leads. No one wanted to listen. I knew newby spends a lot of time on the phone and relays his non sales on the phone to you.
I told everyone fex headquarters hands you out free leads. No one wanted to listen.

No one listens to you because you are a fool.

If it was a secret that Scott gave me this lead I wouldn't have posted it on here.

Your obsession with me has taken over your life.
I told everyone fex headquarters hands you out free leads. No one wanted to listen. I knew newby spends a lot of time on the phone and relays his non sales on the phone to you.

You are right BCrane. All FexAgents get free top secret prequalified lay downs. You caught us.

I hope no one learns about the free gas cards we give out every week.
No one listens to you because you are a fool.

If it was a secret that Scott gave me this lead I wouldn't have posted it on here.

Your obsession with me has taken over your life.

Keep telling yourself that. Everyone knows why you won't disclose any evidence of your production. Because you are a fake who doesn't write 180k a year on 10-15 leads a week and sets 70 percent appointments.
Keep telling yourself that. Everyone knows why you won't disclose any evidence of your production. Because you are a fake

Again your obsession has taken over your life. My production is public record. Anyone that can see the EFES production board knows that I'm still a top 10 agent there and I haven't been there in 3 years. Anyone that can access the FEX production board can see that. Anyone that's gone on reward trips have met me there. Anyone that's contracted with KSKJ can see that I'm the number 1 agent with them.

So, how's that "fake" accusation working out for your lying ass?

You are so obsessed with me that you can't even see how foolish you are.

I already know you are a failure at this business. You provide proof every day that you are also a failure at life.
Hahah. If you only knew jd. If you only knew. your jaw would drop and you'd call me MR. Money

I do know. I also know why you couldn't contract with FEX when you came begging. I know why you washed out at LH.

I even know who's lips move when you speak. You're nothing but a clown.
I do know. I also know why you couldn't contract with FEX when you came begging. I know why you washed out at LH.

I even know who's lips move when you speak. You're nothing but a clown.

You are too easy to piss off. I'm just gonna let you know it all and stop bothering you. It's like talking to a tree with you
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Keep telling yourself that. Everyone knows why you won't disclose any evidence of your production. Because you are a fake who doesn't write 180k a year on 10-15 leads a week and sets 70 percent appointments.

You know I am a medsupp guy mainly, I only look at the FE forum here and there, But WOW everytime I do I see these kind of comments from you.

I wonder if you are friends with that uber driver that got arrested?


I used Lee for Med Supp leads last year and I did very well with them, he was 2nd to none, I wish I could purchase Internet leads of that quality today or even near as good.