Is Nilus a Nutjob?

Medicare Supplement (Medigap) premiums are not available on provides Medigap estimates, but not real premiums for consumers to compare. Consumers can potentially save hundreds of dollars each year and thousands over retirement by spending $99 for a report that gives them access to real Medigap premiums for comparison. And if consumers sign up for the newsletter, they may receive discount offers and pay even less for access to premiums. Weiss doesn't sell insurance, they simply provide research to insurance companies and consumers. And, another nice feature -- unlike most web offers, no one will contact the consumer when they purchase the Weiss Power Planner, unless they specifically ask to be contacted. Weiss also offers a tool for insurance agents to compare plans for their clients. Just visit for more info.

Sheesh what a scam. Here's another idea, talk to an independent agent and he/she can provide the same info for free.
Medicare Supplement (Medigap) premiums are not available on provides Medigap estimates, but not real premiums for consumers to compare. Consumers can potentially save hundreds of dollars each year and thousands over retirement by spending $99 for a report that gives them access to real Medigap premiums for comparison. And if consumers sign up for the newsletter, they may receive discount offers and pay even less for access to premiums. Weiss doesn't sell insurance, they simply provide research to insurance companies and consumers. And, another nice feature -- unlike most web offers, no one will contact the consumer when they purchase the Weiss Power Planner, unless they specifically ask to be contacted. Weiss also offers a tool for insurance agents to compare plans for their clients. Just visit for more info.

First off there are many independent brokers who offer the top carriers that people should be looking at, unlike the original article/email/whatever it was stated.

Secondly, what's wrong with an agent who provides quotes (or even one who doesn't) contacting the consumer who just benefited from the luxury of getting said quotes and spends time educating them on Medicare, Medigap plans (or MAPD's), and putting them with one of the best companies based on the experience of that agent?

There are plenty of dependable and accurate ways to get premiums from multiple companies online. And anyone who is worth their weight in this biz knows that any premium amounts and future rate increases are due to loss ratios, not overblown financial ratings.
So, I skimmed through the original post and spotted this:

"You Certainly Can’t Rely on Insurance Agents
Or the State-Run Websites Out There!"

Those evil insurance agents who only want to take advantage of seniors...not like those newsletters for $99 and the information is to be used at your own risk.
So, I skimmed through the original post and spotted this: "You Certainly Can’t Rely on Insurance Agents Or the State-Run Websites Out There!" Those evil insurance agents who only want to take advantage of seniors...not like those newsletters for $99 and the information is to be used at your own risk.

Even nuttier, once a person gets this report and they supposedly find the least expensive carrier, many carriers don't write direct so they'd still have to use an agent who would have provided the information for free.

The way I see it, all this report does is take $99 away from a senior citizen for no reason.
I haven't looked at in a while, but the information they have for Medigap is almost useless.

You don't get rates but they do give a high and low cost estimate (which is worthless).

When you want to see carriers in your zip code they show 30 carriers (using my zip) including some that I have never heard of.

I compared their 30 against 36 listed by CSG. There are 14 listed by CSG that don't appear on
Looks like we have a conversation going...
Agents have insight into carriers and plans that a consumer can't get from a report. The Weiss Medicare Power Planner gives consumers a view of real prices for all the plans that would be available to them. And, since prices do vary widely, that's a smart move for a consumer. Weiss believes agents should welcome a prepared consumer. And agents add value. Perhaps an agent knows that a particular carrier offers plans at a low intro price, but that same carrier may raise rates more quickly later, so the consumer would ultimately pay more over retirement. Certainly, that's a key consideration for a consumer. But, if you don't have that info, and your client does -- uh oh! Agents can access the very same data Weiss provides to insurance carriers and consumers with the Weiss professional tool -- Medigap Pro -- which also includes history. Try it -- might make your next sale -- just sayin'.
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Looks like you don't want to provide any useful information on your site.

Care to enlighten us?

I have found CSG to be extremely helpful in working with Medigap prospects and clients. What does Weiss offer that compares with CSG and are your services price competitive?
You can register to see a sample Weiss Medigap Pro report from the link you have in your message. But, if you prefer, Weiss will be happy to provide you with a sample Medigap Pro report. Just e-mail your request and any questions to [email protected].


Weiss also offers an affiliate program for agents that would like to offer the Weiss Medicare Power Planner to customers. Just e-mail [email protected] to request additional information.

We wish you SALES!!