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Is the Transamerica IUL bad?

I actually increased his DB so he can also get policies and put more money towards the kids future. You're making it seem like I did a horrendous job, you've been attacking me since your original post.

Again, I WASN'T THE ORIGINAL AGENT ON THE POLICY. He was doing $210 a month with a minimum of $190, and only saved $4,500 in all those years. He saved almost the same amount doing a 1035 with me. His 2 kids have $1,200 each. And I met with him 3 times, so no, it wasn't a 1 hour appointment either. I tried doing what was best, I know that every person will have a different opinion of what should've been done.

And I'm waiting on your illustration.
What illustration? I asked you how much was lost due to 1035 and you vaguely answered that it was out of surrender period. So, I assumed it was 10 or 15 year old policy. If it's true then it will have some valuable benefits like reduced wtf fees and bonus crediting etc. I just don't understand the rationale of replacing such a policy.
My position is simple. All IULs are bad and you are taking a bad product after it has become somewhat good after 15 years and again putting him in a bad product. Look, I don't know why the big boys are choosing to stay out of this thread. Maybe, because they can't say anything to defend IULs now. They can help you out further. I don't want to mess up your confidence in selling. After all, you got to eat too. But please be careful with these IULs. They are a dangerous product and people lose money just like that whenever you touch, replace, increase, decrease etc. Have a good week end. Ta ta! Cheerio!
Ok, I will talk about airline stocks now. Will that make me Warren Buffet? Don't blindly repeat your master's words. I did read all your comments and I don't believe you truly offered a term option. You must have said that term will run out but IUL is permanent or something like that.

"Must have", "probably", you sure seem to accuse people of things that aren't true. You also said something about having a master and that my master wouldn't like me selling term policies. Well, I have a client who purchased 3 different term policies from me, 2 from Transamerica and 1 from Voya. All he wanted was term. You also said that I did that sale to make a commission without even asking me anything about the appointment and how many times I met with him.